Breaking News: Sister Lucy II Did NOT Have Dentures. BUT She DID Seem to Bi-ilocate. See Identical Sister Lucy Picture with DIFFERENT backgrounds! Handwriting Analysis and Height Analysis To be Included in Report.

As Investigation expands its study to include handwriting analysis, height analysis, eye-lids analysis, and eye analysis, we have an instance of Sister Lucy II bi-locating. Here she is with an identical face and position and look and yet with totally different backgrounds. Cut and Paste, friends. Due to the intervention of Kevin Symonds we have come across a magazine called Fatima 50 from the years 1967 to 1970. MANY GREAT PHOTOS FROM THE 1967 "MEETING" PUBLISHED IN IT. SEE LINK BELOW. THANKS KEVIN!

And yes, Sister Lucy II did NOT have dentures. All will be in the report.


  1. Safe to say, since at least the death of Pius XII, "Rome" has been synonymous with "lie".

  2. Please have a look at the picture on front page and the picture (page 28, middle of page, left pic) showing « sister Lucy » and the Pope side by side. To me, this woman does not Look like Lucy 2 (the second woman also featured on page 28). Am I right?
    The white upper part of her gearing (triangular shaped) is more round than on the other official pictures on the same page.
    Moreover, the woman on front page seems to be older (look at her face).
    Is there a third sister Lucy?

  3. Actually, Sister Lucia "II" did have dentures, there are photos of her with her dentures out...

  4. We know she did. And do did the experts that we consulted. They said that her having dentures made it MORE lLIKELY that it was two different women. Actually look at the reports on


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