Again Sister Lucy II has to Bi-Locate to Get Near Paul VI during his 1967 Visit to Fatima. As Top Physicians, Plastic Surgeons, Dental Specialists, Private Investigators Analyze and Report about the Photos of "Sister Lucy," More Faked Photos Emerge . As Falling Flowers Used as Confetti Are in Identical Places, "Sister Lucy" Appears and Disappears from 1967 Photos.

Faked Photo. How many times did they cut and paste the same image of Sister Lucy into pictures of 1967 visit to Fatima of Paul VI?

                              Suddenly, same confetti, same position of all,
                              and, yet, NO Sister Lucy! 

Book in which faked photos were published. There is the fake Sister Lucy again!
Dr. Chojnowski: As I write, the Sister Lucy case is being considered by expert physicians of the international community. As we at Sister Lucy Truth work to put together all of their findings in a single dossier for presentation to the public, we continually run into more and more of these faked photos from 1967, the first time that Sister Lucy II was presented to the public. Clearly the "Sister Lucy" imposter was present, but very few, if any, close ups of her face ---- in which it is not half veiled --- were taken. There were, obviously, a number of professionals who were let in on the bizarre substitution and they tried to create events and moments in which "Sister Lucy" was only the smiling acolyte of Paul VI, then involved in preparing a new mass, new sacraments, new religious movements, and new doctrine. Here is "Sister Lucy" ensuring that the Message of Fatima does not, in any way, conflict with this new Montinian Church. 

I think the Fatima Center, who has taken down all the videos of my many lectures at their conferences, had better pay attention. 

We are working to produce a complete dossier on the Sister Lucy case, incorporating all the studies, from all of the experts consulted, in the month of September. 


  1. I think the Fatima Center, who has taken down all the videos of my many lectures at their conferences, had better pay attention.

    Wow! That's interesting!

    The photo's are amazing. Its the definition of a conspiracy! In talking with Novus Ordites about V2, I have found that they are impervious to reason. No proofs will move them. I'm afraid the excellent work you have don't won't move them either.

  2. Holier than St. Padre Pio and The Blue Nun this Sister Lucy II was, bilocating here and there, lol.

  3. In case this helps your research Dr., here's a clip where you see photo of "Sr. Lucy"
    around 3:30. Have an accomplished day!


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