Mama Mia! Mike it's "RAD TRAD THOMIST" Hear Michael Matt Attack RadTrad Thomist and set up a Straw Man Argument in Order to Hide the Fact that the Remnant has sent Authors emails saying that Anyone who Writes for Louie Verrecchio Is BANNED from Writing in the Remnant.

                                                         The Gallican Brain Trust!

My simple syllogism:

The Remnant has sent emails to many who were scheduled to write articles for Louie Verrecchio's Catholic Inquisitor that if they did they could no longer write for the Remnant (Names could be provided but will not be since there were many who succumbed to the threat0.

Cornelia Ferreira has written for the Catholic Inquisitor.

Therefore, Cornelia Ferreira cannot write for the Remnant.

Let us struggle to break this tired monopoly on traditional Catholic thought!


  1. Matt made the point that Cornelia Ferreira has never written for the Remnant. Ever. So it wouldn't make much sense to say she "could no longer write for the Remnant" when she has never written for them in the first place. But too bad someone else scheduled to write articles for Louie Verrecchio's Catholic Inquisitor, who has written for the Remnant, can't come forward to say they received the threatening email.

  2. Keep up the good work Dr Chojnowski!
    -A former student

  3. I agree! It's so disheartening to me because I really thought they were on the up and up, but it looks more and more like they are going down with the rest. Correct me if I'm wrong but it has always nagged at me that they could be part of a group that pulls catholics who are upholding tradition into compromising with Rome because they appear so true to tradition. I'm sure they don't realize that but maybe they are just like a bridge between the truth and the error. Making it easier to cross over.


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