Clerical Rumors: Fr. David Pagliarani Superior General Front-Runner as SSPX Starts General Chapter.

                                          Front-Runner Fr. Pagliarani Seen as "Center-Right"

According to my clerical sources, the election of the Superior General of the SSPX is the first order of business for the General Chapter. If that is the case, we might be getting word as to the next Superior General in the next few days since the once every 12 year General Chapter begins tomorrow, July 11th.

After speaking with SSPX/Resistance sources today, there seems to be no chance that an election of a new superior general will bring about a reunification of SSPX and SSPX/Resistance.

Also, our clerical sources have pointed out that if Rome should offer the SSPX a Personal Prelature, Bishop Bernard Fellay could be back in the leadership position as Personal Prelate of the new organization.


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