Two "Sister Lucys" Standing Side-By Side in 1967? Check out the latest Pictures. Also, I am putting out a call for high-definition Pictures of "Sister Lucy" from any time period of her "life." Please send now. Top Facial Recognition Experts in the Country Are Beginning their Work.

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You see here two women, both identified as "Sister Lucy" in various publications standing side by side with one another. Never mind what either of them has to do with the two women identified as "Sister Lucy" below.


  1. Pedro Manuel Marto no es el padre sino él tío (oncle) de Lucía, esposo de Olimpia dos Santos, hermana de Antonio dos Santos, padre de Lucía dos Santos. No hay parecido con la anciana monja de La foto, ni tiene por qué haberlo.

  2. The nun in the top photo is the nun next to Sr Lucia in the bottom photo.

    1. Good catch. When I looked at the pics I didn't notice the older nun to the right of the 1967 Sister Lucy. However, I knew immediately it was a misidentification on the part of the newspaper. The nun looks nothing like Sister Lucy and appears much older than 60. Also, the alleged Sister Lucy of 1967 next to her looks much younger than age 60. So neither of them can be the real Sister Lucy.

  3. Here are some photos of Sr Lucia reportedly from 1948 and 1951.

    See link:

  4. Correction to the above post: 1949 and 1951 are the reported dates not 1948.

  5. I think the older nun is also the one on the right in the photo in this link:


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