Fr. Hesse Acknowledged the "Third Secret" Revealed in 2000 was a Vatican Hoax. Points the Finger at Cardinal Ratzinger. Question: Why did he believe in what many accept to be the Hoax of the later "Sister Lucy"?


  1. Riveting talk by Father Hesse. Have you noticed (of course you have) the frequent use of staged deceptions used by governments and say the current occupant of the chair of Peter. They can be quite elaborate and convincing....well, May 13 1981. Just been wondering.

  2. Miracle of the Maternal Hand. Anything strange about that? That would be the hand of the Blessed Mother that miraculously guided the fatal shot away from all JP2's critical organs. She must have been very close by and she had to act with incredible speed to redirect a bullet fired at point blank range. Sure helped to confirm him as the Fatima Pope even though he never preached the Fatima devotions, first five saturdays, Immaculate Heart etc. Strange.

  3. Maybe Fr. Hesse thought Sr. Lucy was still alive but that erroneous and false statements were being attributed to her. I used to think this, but at some point, I'm not sure when, I became highly suspicious of the post-Vatican II Lucy. I still thought the real Sr. Lucy was still holed up at Coimbra and that Sr. Lucy the second was trotted out for public appearances because she could be relied upon to quote the party line. Could this be what Fr. Hesse thought too? I now think that the real Sr. Lucy has been gone from this earth for a long time. The sister who died in 2005 was Sr. Lucy the second.


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