Was Opus Dei in Charge of a Sister Lucy Switch and the Falsification of the Fatima Message and the Third Secret? Will this Investigation Bring Down "St." Josemarie Escriva as well?

So many "Saints" involved in the Sister Lucy Mystery! "Saints" John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Josemarie Escriva. If they perpetrated a "Sister Lucy" fraud, how saintly can they be?

Here is the article, first in translation and then in the original, pointing to Opus Dei's central involvement in the "Sister Lucy Case."

Monsignor Escrivá, pilgrim of Fatima

Testimony of Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, Bishop of Leiria. Chapter of "Así lo visto", a book that gathers testimonies about the Founder of Opus Dei.

October 23, 2008

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Monsignor Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei, it is a great joy for me to highlight one of the many facets of his spirituality: devotion to Our Lady. He lived his love to the Virgin, love of love, with the depth of a theologian and the simplicity of a child.

Already before his ordination he perceived that the Lord was asking him something, that he did not know how to concretize or define. But he had a burning desire to do the will of God and, therefore, like the blind man in the Gospel, he constantly begged: "Lord, let him see," and added "Let it be!"

From a very early age, he entrusted Our Lady with total fidelity to his vocation. At the feast of Our Lady of Mercy, in 1924, (he was not yet a priest), he engraved on the pedestal of an image of the Virgin of Pilar this little ejaculation: Domina ut sit - "Madam, may it be!"

The foundation of the Work, which today is called Opus Dei and has more than 60,000 associates of eighty nationalities, is supported by the living rock of the dear devotion to Our Lady that its founder had. Later he would write with knowledge, the fruit of an intensely lived experience: "Love for the Lady is proof of good spirit, in works and in unique people. He distrusts the company that does not have that signal "(Camino, No. 505).

Opus Dei is marked with this sign from its beginnings. And always its founder walked the difficult paths of loyalty embraced in the loving arms of the Mother of God and Mother of men.
For Monsignor Escrivá, the pilgrimages to the Marian shrines were one of the most beautiful expressions of his tender and strong devotion to Our Lady. He liked to do them alone or in small groups, in a climate of recollection and intimacy. How charmingly he tells us about that pilgrimage that was attended by only three people to the sanctuary of Sonsoles, in the vicinity of Ávila! And those of Loreto or Lourdes repeated so many times!

Sr. Lucia and St. Josemaría

In the forties he made the first visits to Portugal to lay the foundations of Opus Dei in our homeland, which he loved dearly and which he liked to call "Land of Santa Maria." For him, coming to Portugal was the same as going to Fatima. And it was there, in the Cova de Iria, where he delivered the first fruits of the Work, destined to produce marvelous fruits among the Portuguese people of all conditions. In Tuy he visited Sister Lucy, then a religious Dorothea, who admirably understood the spirit of Opus Dei: sanctification in ordinary and ordinary life, contemplation in the midst of the world. For a member of Opus Dei his cell is the street. A curious anecdote: it was Lucia who intervened in the solution of the bureaucratic difficulties so that Monsignor Escrivá could enter Portugal at that time. Being a Carmelite in Coimbra, she received on several occasions the founder of Opus Dei, who loved ardently the religious life and especially the contemplative orders. The Carmel of Santa Teresa in Coimbra and the Cova de Iria in Fatima were "cooperators" of Monsignor Escrivá [and the Opus Dei], deeply contemplative and Marian.

The founder of Opus Dei loved with madness the Roman Pontiff and the bishops of the Holy Church. That's why I did not do anything without your approval.

He spoke several times with the Bishop of Coimbra, Don Antonio Antunes [the latest bishop of Coimbra is, in fact, an Opus Dei member], who supported with open arms and heart, the start in that city of the Work, which then took the first steps.

He treated closely the Bishop of Our Lady, Don José Alves Correia da Silva, whom he visited when he made his pilgrimages to the Cova de Iría. He lived and taught to live that ancient rule:
Nihil sine Episcopo -not without the bishop-. He had a particular affection for St. Joseph, manifested in evident signs of affection, as the gift of precious sacrays for the chapel of the Episcopal House and an expressive telegram that I found in the archive.

In May 1967, days before the Holy Father's pilgrimage, Monsignor Escrivá also became a pilgrim of the Sanctuary of Fatima ["Sister Lucy" met Paul VI (and Monsignor Escriva?), with that filial, affectionate and tender devotion of which his priest's soul was capable, who always wanted to be a priest, and only a priest; a priest who passionately loved Jesus and his Mother. As he crossed the roads of Portugal with the thousands of pilgrims on foot to Fatima, he exclaimed excitedly: "May God bless you for the love you have for your Mother!"

St. Josemaría in Fatima, on another pilgrimage in 1970, Opus Dei came to implore the protection of the Virgin for the Holy Church, wounded by the lack of love and by the attacks of their own children. I could see him excited to walk barefoot the last stage of his pilgrimage, praying with recollection the Holy Rosary accompanied by a small group of his spiritual children. Monsignor Escrivá, great theologian and canonist, mingled with the simple people of our land, with pious and good old ladies shelling the beads of his rosary loaded with medals! This was the rosary of Monsignor Escrivá, adorned with many medals that he kissed devoutly with the tenderness and emotion with which we kissed the portrait of our mothers. I understood then how the science of a theologian can perfectly ally with the piety of a child. I thought of the little shepherds of Aljustrel who saw Our Lady and received from her the great message of salvation for the world today, and I also thought of the small and simple Gospel to whom the Lord promised the Kingdom of Heaven. The last pilgrimage for Saint Josemaría to Fatima was in the autumn of 1972. Hundreds of people from the most varied backgrounds joined him to pray the rosary devoutly and to receive the healthy influence of his fortress human and supernatural personality. What stood out most in this man of God was Jesus Christ's unrestrained longing to save everyone. On that occasion he carried out a great catechesis in Portugal, simple and profound at the same time. Thousands of people, in Lisbon and Oporto, mainly young people and priests, could hear enchanted the evangelical word that he sowed with hands full, in familiar and communicative dialogue. The words came from a burning heart; that's why he convinced and dragged. In love to the Holy Virgin, Mother of the Church and Mother of the whole Humanity; in love of the Holy Family, which he liked to call the Trinity of the Earth; in love of the Trinity of Heaven, he learned to love all men of all races and conditions, cultures and religions. With the good humor that characterized him, he said one day to Pope John XXIII that he had not learned ecumenism from him, since he had been living it for a long time. The servant of God gave himself entirely to men; passionately loved the world that came out wonderful from the hands of God the Creator. He even spoke of "Christian materialism" to imply that earthly and temporal realities, all the honest tasks of men, are the place and path of holiness for the children of God. This is his mission: "to make all the roads of the earth divine", under the protection of the Virgin Mary, who embodied the greatest holiness of any creature through the ordinary life of each day. By the intercession of the founder of the Opus Dei is finally overcome this great world crisis that is a crisis of saints.Article published in A Voice Do DomingoLeiria, 27-VI-76 Return to the index.

Monseñor Escrivá, peregrino de Fátima
Testimonio de Mons. Alberto Cosme do Amaral, Obispo de Leiria. Capitulo de “Así le vieron”, libro que recoge testimonios sobre el Fundador del Opus Dei
23 de octubre de 2008
ons. Álvaro del Portillo, el P. Galamba, la madre de Francisco y Jacinta Marto, San Josemaría Escrivá y Mons. José López Ortiz. Fátima (Portugal) 6-II-1945.
Con ocasión del primer aniversario de la muerte de Monseñor Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, fundador del Opus Dei, es para mí motivo de gran alegría destacar una de las muchas facetas de su espiritualidad: la devoción a Nuestra Señora. Vivió su amor a la Virgen, amor de enamorado, con la profundidad de un teólogo y la sencillez de un niño.
Ya antes de su ordenación percibió que el Señor le pedía algo, que él no sabía concretar ni definir. Pero tenía el deseo ardiente de hacer la voluntad de Dios y, por eso, como el ciego del Evangelio, suplicaba constantemente: «Señor, que vea», y añadía « ¡Que sea!».
Desde muy pronto confió a Nuestra Señora la fidelidad total a su vocación. En la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, en 1924, (todavía no era sacerdote), grabó en la peana de una imagen de la Virgen del Pilar esta pe4ueña jaculatoria: Domina ut sit –«¡Se­ñora, que sea!».
Los cimientos de la Obra, que hoy se llama Opus Dei y cuenta con más de 60.000 asociados de ochenta nacionalidades, se apoyan en la roca viva de la entrañable devoción a Nuestra Señora que tenía su fundador. Más tarde escribiría con un saber, fruto de una experiencia intensamente vivida: «El amor a la Señora es prueba de buen espíritu, en las obras y en las personas singulares. Desconfía de la empresa que no tenga esa señal» (Camino, núm. 505).
El Opus Dei está marcado con esta señal desde sus inicios. Y siempre su fundador recorrió los difíciles caminos de la fidelidad mecido en los brazos amorosos de la Madre de Dios y Madre de los hombres.
Para Monseñor Escrivá, las peregrinaciones a los santuarios marianos eran una de las expresiones más bellas de su devoción tierna y fuerte a Nuestra Señora. Le gustaba hacerlas solo o en pequeños grupos, en un clima de recogimiento e intimidad. ¡Con qué encanto nos habla de aquella peregrinación a la que asistieron tan sólo tres personas al santuario de Sonsoles, en los alrededores de Ávila! ¡Y las de Loreto o Lourdes repetidas tantas veces!
Sor Lucia y san Josemaría
En la década de los cuarenta hizo las primeras visitas a Portugal para poner los cimientos del Opus Dei en nuestra patria, que él amaba entrañablemente y a la que le gustaba llamar «Tierra de San­ta María». Para él, venir a Portugal era lo mismo que ir a Fátima. Y fue allí, en la Cova de Iria, donde entregó las primicias de la Obra, destinada a producir frutos maravillosos entre las gentes portugue­sas de todas las condiciones. En Tuy visitó a la hermana Lucía, entonces religiosa dorotea, que comprendió admirablemente el espíritu del Opus Dei: santificación en la vida corriente y ordinaria, contemplación en medio del mundo. Para un miembro del Opus Dei su celda es la calle. Una anécdota curiosa: fue Lucía la que intervino en la solución de las dificultades burocráticas para que Monseñor Escrivá pudiese entrar en Portugal en aquel momento. Siendo car­melita en Coimbra, recibió en diversas ocasiones al fundador del Opus Dei, que amaba ardientemente la vida religiosa y en especial a las órdenes contemplativas. El Carmelo de Santa Teresa en Coim­bra y la Cova de Iria en Fátima eran escalas obligatorias para Monseñor Escrivá, profundamente contemplativo y mariano.
El fundador del Opus Dei amaba con locura al Romano Pontífice y a los obispos de la Santa Iglesia. Por eso no hacia nada sin su aprobación.
Habló varias veces con el obispo de Coimbra, don Antonio Antunes, que apoyó con brazos y corazón abiertos, el arranque en aquella ciudad de la Obra, que entonces daba los primeros pasos.
Trató muy de cerca al obispo de Nuestra Señora, don José Alves Correia da Silva, a quien visitaba cuando hacia sus peregrinaciones a la Cova de Iría. Vivía y enseñaba a vivir aquella norma tan antigua:
Nihil sine Episcopo -nada sin el obispo-. Tenía un particular afecto hacia don José, manifestado en muestras evidentes de cariño, como el regalo de unas preciosas sacras para la capilla de la Casa Epis­copal y un expresivo telegrama que encontré en el archivo.
En mayo de 1967, días antes de la peregrinación del Santo Padre, Monseñor Escrivá se hizo también peregrino del Santuario de Fátima, con aquella devoción filial, afectuosa y tierna de la que era capaz su alma de sacerdote, que siempre quiso ser sacerdote, y sólo sacerdote; sacerdote que amaba apasionadamente a Jesús y a su Madre. Al cruzarse en las carreteras de Portugal con los milla­res de peregrinos, que a pie se dirigían rumbo a Fátima, exclamaba emocionado: « ¡Que Dios os bendiga por el amor que tenéis a su Madre!».
San Josemaría en Fátima, para pedir por la Iglesia
En otra peregrinación, en el año 1970, el fundador del Opus Dei vino a implorar la protección de la Virgen para la Iglesia Santa, herida por el desamor y por los ataques de sus propios hijos. Yo pude verle emocionado recorrer descalzo la última etapa de su peregrinación, rezando con recogimiento el Santo Rosario acompañado por un pequeño grupo de sus hijos espirituales. ¡Monseñor Escrivá, gran teólogo y canonista, confundido con la gente sencilla de nues­tra tierra, con viejecitas piadosas y buenas desgranando las cuentas de su rosario cargado de medallas! Así era el rosario de Monseñor Escrivá, adornado con muchas medallas que él besaba devotamente con la ternura y emoción con que besamos el retrato de nuestras madres. Comprendí entonces cómo la ciencia de un teólogo se pue­de aliar perfectamente a la piedad de un niño. Pensé en los pas­torcitos de Aljustrel que vieron a Nuestra Señora y recibieron de ella el gran mensaje de salvación para el mundo de hoy, y pensé también en los pequeños y sencillos del Evangelio a los cuales el Señor prometió el Reino de los Cielos.
Última peregrinación de san Josemaría a Fátima y catequesis en Portugal
La última peregrinación de Monseñor Escrivá al santuario de Fátima fue en otoño de 1972. Centenares de personas de las más variadas procedencias se unieron a él para rezar devotamente el rosario y para recibir el saludable influjo de su fuerte personalidad humana y sobrenatural. Lo que más destacaba en este hombre de Dios era el ansia incontenida del mismo Jesucristo de salvar a todos.
En aquella ocasión llevó a cabo en Portugal una gran catequesis, sencilla y profunda al mismo tiempo. Millares de personas, en Lisboa y en Oporto, principalmente jóvenes y sacerdotes, pudieron oír encantadas la palabra evangélica que él sembraba a manos lle­nas, en diálogo familiar y comunicativo. Las palabras le brotaban de un corazón ardiente; por eso convencía y arrastraba.
En el amor a la Virgen Santa, Madre de la Iglesia y Madre de la Humanidad entera; en el amor a la Sagrada Familia, a la que le gustaba llamar la Trinidad de la Tierra; en el amor a la Trinidad del Cielo, aprendió él a amar a todos los hombres de todas las razas y condiciones, culturas y religiones. Con el buen humor que le carac­terizaba dijo un día al Papa Juan XXIII que no había aprendido de él el ecumenismo, ya que hacía mucho tiempo que lo vivía.
El siervo de Dios se dio enteramente a los hombres; amó apa­sionadamente el mundo que salió maravilloso de las manos de Dios Creador. Llegó incluso a hablar de «materialismo cristiano» para dar a entender que las realidades terrenas y temporales, todas las tareas honestas de los hombres, son el lugar y el camino de santidad para los hijos de Dios. Esta es su misión: «hacer divinos todos los caminos de la tierra», bajo la protección de la Virgen Santa María, que encarnó la mayor santidad de cualquier criatura a través de la vida ordinaria de cada día.
Que por la intercesión del fundador del Opus Dei sea finalmente vencida esta gran crisis mundial que es una crisis de santos.
Artículo publicado en A Voz Do Domingo
Leiria, 27–VI-76


  1. Oh I do think you are on the right track. The more I read of Opus Dei and "Saint" Escriva. the more I am reminded of great religious con men like Elie Wiesel & Jimmy Swaggart. False con artists who made many millions of dollars and created whole industries. Why did he receive so much special protection and promotion from the Vatican? Is this track going to take us to the discovery of other VERY prominent con artists in the Vatican 2 church?

    1. Good for you ! I have been keeping track of Escriva and Fatima for quite awhile. I recall the photographs of Sec of State Cardinal Bertone quickly taping of her cell and the news reporting he carefully went though it and took the computer and possibly her diaries. I found it odd that such an elderly nun had a computer at all. But no one was allegedly allowed into her cell after she died.
      Absolutely no one addresses the fact that Fatima and Sr Lucia were under the control of Opus Dei.
      In his own book Escriva states he visited Sr Lucia in Tuy right after she was ordered to put the Third Secret to paper to go to the Vatican. But, he says he never asked her about it . Instead he states ,she told him to start the first Opus Dei house outside of Spain in Coimbre, Portugal and that she would handle all the Visas etc for him.
      Carmen del Tapia ,Escriva’s long time secretary, states in her book , while recalling his return from Tuy, that he warned the women of Opus Dei not to be like ,”…the silly nuns”, and that he described Sr Lucia as a, “good but silly woman.”
      Interesting that a few years later the Sr Lucia we have come to know , wound up a Carmelite nun after 23 years as a Dorothean in Coimbre and that after her death Mother Celine gave an interview and stated,"All the nuns in the Cloister are Opus Dei cooperators."
      Interesting too was the fact that Escriva's Postulater for his Cause was Cardinal Poletti, famous as listed on the Propaganda Due Lodge whose member list was confiscated by the Italian equivalent to our special investigative police.. Poletti is also noted to have obtained from the Pope the St Appolinaire Basilica in Rome for Opus Dei. A large portrait of Escriva hangs in the foyer. Notable to was the more recent search on the basilica's crypt where Enrique de Pedis rested in a diamond studded coffin. He was the head of the infamous Magliana mafia and they were searching for clues in his coffin for the kidnapped Vatican employee's daughter Emmanuella Orlandi whose body was never recovered. Allegedly Poletti allowed the mobster to be re buried in the basilica because of a favor he did for the Cardinal."Seven years later, Italians learned via a newspaper report that his remains lay in Saint Apollinare’s crypt, where burials hadn’t occurred for a century. The exception made for a notorious gangster raised a few eyebrows."
      The story
      The search of the Opus Dei owned basilica's crypt.

  2. P2 Lodge mason and mafia boss friend Cdl Poletti was a, "long time friend of Escriva's"

    Also read.....

  3. Look at this. Note the nun with her face veiled on top left second from the right.
    Prior to Vatican Two Carmelite nuns completely veiled their faces when in public.
    Was this the thought that could keep the public from seeing Lucia's face since she
    allegedly entered the cloister in Coimbre in '49 before Vatican Two? if so, it backfired with Vatican Two.

  4. Opie Dopey is the NSA of the Vatican. If this audacious 2 Lucy thing is true, clearly they would have been the agents to come up with the strategy, tactics and agi/prop to make it happen.

  5. Cloistered Carmelites were completely veiled prior the the end of Vatican Two. No problem
    keeping the face of a imposter Lucia covered when out in public or even behind the grill meeting with family for quite awhile. Same voice when she suddenly shed the veil from 1949 till after Vatican Two . This could explain why any visiting relative believed her to be one and the same.
    See picture of veiled Carmelite nun here.

  6. This is his mission: "to make all the roads of the earth divine",
    -Sounds like Tikkun Olam: the Talmudic Principle of redemption of the world (achieved through very high amounts of gentile bloodshed and enslavement). The Talmudist is duty bound to undertake actions whereby "Mosiach" can come into the world. That's his messiah. Antichrist.

  7. Randy Engle has an update on Escriva and Opus Dei that can be found at Aka Catholic. Escriva was truly a sinister liar. Could he have coordinated the Lucy Fraud? Yes, without blinking an eye.

  8. Sickening. OD has tentacles all over the Church.

  9. A parallel church sanctioned by "saint" JP2 "the Great" . The former title being ensured by changes made to the process of canonization i.e. eliminating the position of the Devil's Advocate thusly, also eliminating ALL negative testimonials to Escriva's character. ( There were quite a few people who knew him and wanted to present their evidence)
    The latter title being given to him by the criminal promoter of Maciel, none other than Sec of State Cardinal Sodano.
    Here is the proof JP2 knew this would be a parallel church.


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