Want to Solve in a Scientific Way the two Sister Lucys Question? First, take the Poll!

Dear Friends,
I have located a professional investigative company that has indicated interest in using age-progression technology, biometrics, on-site investigation, and other means in order to determine if Sister Lucy 1 (pre-1959) is the same woman as the Sister Lucy 2 (post-1959). The owner of the company is not a Catholic and has indicated that he starts out with no opinions either way. His company has worked on identity cases reaching 75 to even 90 years in the past and has contributed to the identification of previously missing individuals. These are serious people and he said that the investigation and results would be definitive.
Friends, it is 2017. Either this has been one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the Catholic Church or Sister Lucy did applaud and affirm the "Third Secret" as announced by the Vatican in June of 2000. We all know that it matters. Investigations cost money, however. An investigation of this sort, providing a definitive result, will cost up to $25,000. I don't know if such an amount can be raised or not. However, I have created a poll to find out if there is sufficient financial commitment for such a project. The poll is not a fund raiser; I am just testing interest in this project. Please answer the poll question which is on the sidebar of my website by clicking the triple bar near the RadTrad Thomist header. Scroll down past the Follow list and get to the poll. Please give a conservative estimate of your support, or indicate --- no hard feelings --- that the answer is No.
I will make sure that every dime spent will ONLY go for this investigation. When and if we finally start raising money, neither myself or this blog will in any way profit financially from the money. The question is all!
I am ready to go for this if you are!

Yours, Dr. Chojnowski


  1. Dr. Chojnowski, the truth in this matter is worthy in that it will help Catholic's whose eyes are reluctant to open to the masonic revolution of Vatican II. Consider asking the Servants of Jesus and Mary to gather investigations that Father Gruner and Kramer have done on this matter and maybe that will lower the cost to less than $25K. Also, Fr. Villa may have also documented some on this matter.

    We should consider that time is running out and some level of God's chastisement is unavoidable. It has long past the time we prayed, as Fr. Gruner asked, for the full release of the third secret, but to pray we may suffer worthily the chastisement of the third secret.

    So with this said, I would support the investigation, but also we should realize the "...beginning of sorrows" may be upon us before the investigation can be completed and thus its value would be of less help in the matter. May the Lord's Will be done!

    Christus Rex,
    Out Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
    Patrick Coon
    Georgetown, Texas

  2. I think it's a good idea I would be willing to contribute to this cause

  3. I think it's a good idea as you have stated for me it's the elephant in the room

  4. Probably not needed at this point, we're but a couple of weeks away from Friday the 13th. At this point just pray the Rosary, any Catholic who prays the Rosary and has eyes to see can tell it's not the same woman in those pictures. Post chastisement I'm sure all will be made clear. For now, watch and pray, watch and pray fifteen mysteries every day as the good Bishop Williamson says.

  5. I am convinced from photographic evidence alone that they are two different people.


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