The Scene of the Crime: Does the Fatima Shrine and the Dear Nuns at Coimbra Convent Give Away More Secrets Concerning the Disappearance of Sister Lucy dos Santos? Remember, the Fatima Shrine Interviewer Mentions an Imposter Sister Lucy at the 47 min. Mark!

Dr. Chojnowski: What can we find if we look closely at the video, "Sister Lucy according to the testimony of the Carmel of St. Teresa"? Here are some very interesting points:

1) First, neither of these two nuns knew the real Sister Lucy. The young one only came to the Carmel in 2005 and only saw the Imposter before she died. The older nun, even though she went to Fatima on May 13, 1967 to see Sister Lucy, not Paul VI, she only came to the Carmel in 1973, when Sister Lucy Fraud was long in place. Why doesn't the Coimbra convent bring forward nuns who would actually be able to deal with the question of a substitution of Sister Lucy prior to 1967?

2) These nuns are quick to indicate that they are solidly Novus Ordo. They speak of the new modernist liturgy as the one they have at the convent and also speak of their enthusiasm for their participation in Francis/Bergoglio's Year of Prayer. 

3) The convent is small. Only 14 professed members and 2 postulants.

4) The Interviewer from the Fatima Shrine emphasizes that the "vast majority of nuns" in the current convent would have known "Sister Lucy." 3 of the 16 did not know "her" at all and the main nun who is giving the interview only knew the Imposter in 2005, right before her death. 

5) It is interesting that the Interviewer indicates that the face of Sister Lucy was NOT WELL-KNOWN in Portugal when she came to the convent in Coimbra in 1948. This was, so he says, because she was in Spain for so long with the Dorothea's --- both for school and in the convent. Then the older nun indicated that she only knew the face of "Sister Lucy" because they had it on many cups, mugs, and souvenirs on sale at venders shops. Why would it be so important for these 3 people to bring up the lack of recognition of the face of Sister Lucy? 

6) In the older nun's description of her going to Fatima as a young woman or child she says a couple of very important things"
a) People were only interested in going to the event if "Sister Lucy" was going to be there. There seems to have been no interest in going to see Paul VI. 
b) Apparently, the crowd is the one demanding that Paul VI bring "Sister Lucy" forward by shouting "Lucia! Lucia! Lucia!" It was only then that Paul VI looked back and motioned for "Sister Lucy" to come forward to show herself to the crowd. COULD IT BE THAT HE WAS NOT INTENDING TO PRESENT THE FAKE AS "SISTER LUCY" TO THE CROWD THAT DAY BUT WAS FORCED TO? Obviously, if the real Sister Lucy was there, she would have been the one that Paul VI would have motioned to come forward for a few moments. Was it Paul VI's plan to keep "Sister Lucy" from the scrutinizing public eye and it was only John Paul II who brought her forward in 1982? Could it have been the intention of the early Modernists to keep the Fake Sister Lucy hidden from public eye in the convent until she died? Did only John Paul II see the benefits of exploiting the image and person of "Sister Lucy" through the actions of the Imposter? This possibility,  however, clashes with all of the photos of the Imposter that we have uncovered, posted, and submitted to expert analysis. 

Also, if Paul VI only decided to bring Sister Lucy II forward because of the chants of the crowd, if the real Sister Lucy was at that event, why did he not bring her forward for the crowd to see for a few minutes? Why go through the entire elaborate hoax that would end up lasting for almost 40 years? This interview is another nail in the coffin of the Phantom Sister Lucy Thesis.

With regard to the May 13, 1967 Fatima event, it is interesting that the Interviewer goes out of his way to emphasize that the presence of "Sister Lucy" at that event was "very well documented." Was there a doubt?

7) When asked to describe the daily life of "Sister Lucy," after the younger nun says clearly that the Novus Ordo was celebrated at their convent and not the traditional Catholic Mass, the older nun, who knew Sister Lucy II from 1973 on, says that "Sister Lucy" was extremely active in very mundane ways at the convent: she was very active in food preparation, gardening, organizing construction projects, finding wells(!). She also seems to have been of a fanatic about French fries! 

According to these nuns, Sister Lucy II was constantly engaged in correspondence. Stacks and stacks of letters would be received and she would respond many of the various letters throughout the years. In spite of the fact that her sister Catalina said that she did not a use a typewriter, the nuns in this interview testify that "she" used to use the typewriter for many of her correspondences. The nuns and the interviewer emphasize that "Sister Lucy" had a personal relationship with "popes, cardinals, bishops, along with lay people who wrote to her." If there was an Imposter Sister Lucy and also the real Sister Lucy co-existing with her in the same convent, how would the nuns keep everything straight as to who should be speaking to whom and who was to be corresponding to whom and who was to be meeting with whom? Then who should be driving which one to where, always making sure that no one saw the real Sister Lucy even though the real Sister Lucy supposedly continued to meet with people and speak to clerics into the 21st century! Does anyone believe that the professional criminals in the Vatican would allow this Keystone Cops scenario to play out over the course of some 45 years? 

8) The picture hanging over the grill, where the interview was taking place, was clearly that of the Imposter Sister Lucy. This was the "Sister Lucy" that these two nuns knew.

9) Not only do the nuns say that "Sister Lucy" would often pray for the "union of churches," but they greatly emphasize the close relationship that existed between "Sister Lucy" and John Paul II. This close relationship lasted until the last moments of her life in 2005. Apparently, she offered her last sufferings for him. They also endorse the idea that the Third Secret was about the assassination attempt on John Paul II. 

The really surprising, unsurprising, aspect of this interview is that they offer no empirical proof to disprove the existence of an Imposter Sister Lucy, the possibility of which they mention at the 47 minute mark of the video. This possibility, laughed off by the sisters, is mentioned TWICE by the Interviewer. This is their only answer to the challenge posed by Sister Lucy Truth. There is not the slightest real argument against it. Apparently the Imposter, when this was brought up to her when she was alive, called those people who would bring up these questions, "sinners," "atheists," and "those who do not believe in anything." 



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