The TRUTH About the Resignation of Michael Voris and the Implosion of Church Militant. With Enemies Like This.......


  1. EMJ Live 52: Itching Ears | Dr. E. Michael Jones. more on Voris

    EMJ says that Michael Voris and Taylor Marshall, et al, set themselves up as "above the Catholic Church". No wonder Christine Niles was very haughty in attacking Sister Lucy Truth. They are all under the payroll of the Jews who invaded and hijacked the Vatican II Council. The IMPOSTER Sr. Lucy is the FACE of the apostate Vatican II Council.

    This documentary reveals how the Jews infiltrated the Vatican II Council with Jews who became IMPOSTER priests and FAKE Catholic converts and theologians and therefore they could easily changed the Traditional Latin Mass and Catholic doctrines and moral teachings from within the Vatican. Today there is the Jew World Congress office at the Vatican. What is the most anti-Christ religion doing with an office inside the Vatican that is supposed to be the headquarters of the Catholic Church and the seat of the Vicar of Christ?
    The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

    The Talmud the “holy book” of the Jews.
    Talmud Unmasked

    What is Judaism.

  2. “Church Militant” Scandal/Michael Voris Resignation – Analysis


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