Archbishop Viganò - An Unprecedented Apostasy. Vigano goes Sedevacantist and Ends Up Pointing the Finger at Vatican II. It Seems as if the Institutional Church and the Institutional State are Falling into Some Serious Mayhem.


  1. Vigano is a liar and controlled opposition. Vigano works for the N.O. Church sect.

    1. That's just name-calling. No evidence to back it up.

  2. Why does Vigano only talk about problems in the Modern Church and does not actually do anything for change in the Modern Church? Because, it is mafia controlled. Where have you been since Vatican ll and especially under Francis? Why do they let Vigano speak against some errors in the Church and let him hide and serve the establishment Church? Think man.

  3. Vigano should have been vocal about the errors in the Church and created change or he should have left the Modernist Church a long time ago if he was really disgusted.

  4. Why does Vigano only make certain appearances at certain times,at certain places to only certain groups and talks about what the few people want to hear or care about?

    1. His Excellency Bp. Donald Sanborn comments on the recent canceled speech by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

    2. There is something wrong,when one applauds a double-agent of the Novus Ordo Church Sect.The result, is false hope.

  5. Vigano says some truth,but gives false hope.

  6. It could be a trap,from the Novus Ordo “Church”.

  7. Why does Vigano play games with Catholics?

  8. Stay away from Bitchute,YouTube and other alternate platforms! They are controlled opposition.

    1. Bitchute is one of the few places where truth-tellers can show their independent investigations and truthful videos


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