"Canceled Priest" Conference in Chicago Was the Perfect Place to Tell Many About the Most "Canceled" Religious in the History of the Catholic Church -- Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima. "The Lavender Mafia" Has Been Engaged in Criminality of the Highest Order For A Very Long Time.

The "Canceled Priest" Conference Begins With Speech by "Unplanned" Producer Abby Johnson
Dr. Chojnowski: Due partly to the gracious donation of a supporter of Sister Lucy Truth, I was able to attend the 2nd Annual Conference of "Canceled Priests" held in Chicago on June 23 and 24th. For a conference of this type it seemed to me like a very large gathering, the number that the organizers gave out was 400. This would be very large for such a conference, since I remember that when I was invited to speak at various Fatima Center or Catholic Family News conferences organized by Fr. Nicholas Gruner and John Vennari, everyone was happy to get somewhat over 100 people in attendance. 

There were friends of Sister Lucy Truth who asked the organizers of this conference, namely Fr. Lovell, to give me 15 minutes to present the investigation into the substitution of another woman for the authentic seer of Fatima. However, there was no response to our friends' requests. Even for "Canceled Priests" the idea of the "Lavender Mafia" --- the strong words of Fr. James Altman --- "bumping off" Sister Lucia of Fatima, and replacing her with another woman of unknown origin, is still too difficult to swallow. Without having a venue to speak, I did my best to inform or remind as many of the attendees as I could about the Catholic "cancelation" of the ages. To my happy surprise, about half of the attendees that I was able to speak with had heard about the Sister Lucy Truth investigation and, of the ones who had heard about it, all excepted the finding that there was indeed an imposter put in the place of the real Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima. 

With this said, I must say, also that there was a surprising number of people who had never heard about this investigation, even after the extensive coverage we have gotten from LifeSite News --- a major supporter of the "Canceled Priest" movement. This clearly needs to be overcome by our media efforts in the future. But what saddened me most with regard to my experience at this gathering was the standoffish indifference to the fact of the substitution of Sister Lucia. Even by many who had heard about it, it was treated as an interesting fact, but not as something of central importance. I will mention that this was the attitude shown by a number of the most prominent of the clergy, lay speakers, and publishers. Is it the case that the scientifically proven FACT of the substitution of the Seer of Fatima and Messenger of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by another woman, who followed along with the plans of the "Lavender Mafia" perfectly from the time she first appeared to the world in 1967 to her death in 2005, is nothing but another one of those "Catholic" curiosities that have often filled our lives over the past decades? It cannot be such, and Sister Lucy Truth, myself, the men and women who do and have done so much work for us, and our supporters, will not allow this to happen

With this said, during the conference, I was able to make and renew many contacts that will potentially help the cause in the future. Good conversations were had with publishers of Catholic Family News, The Angelus, Fatima Crusader, with producers of LifeSite News, Loreto Press, and various newly-minted lay organizations that are committed to establishing an "underground" Church to provide traditional Masses to communities of laypeople who are realizing that, in order to find or keep the true and traditional Catholic religion, there needs to be a separation from the Novus Ordo hierarchy. Many of these people indicated knowledge of and support for the work of Sister Lucy Truth. 

My thoughts on some of the larger issues raised by this conference of "Canceled Priests," will follow in the next posting. 


  1. Dear Dr Chojnowski,
    Thank you for this comment. I have been hoping to see your presentation to Cancelled Priests. (I’m 83 and Australian and becoming increasingly obsessed with the topic of the imposter Sr Lucy.) I am convinced there was an imposter. I have desperately wanted to know your reaction to news that the imposter has entered into the process of canonisation!!!!! I am appalled!!!!
    Sr Lucy was a famous person!!!!
    How could she be disappeared?
    It seems clear her disappearance was organised by upper levels of the Vatican. Probably ‘the top’.

    I agree with you that the atmosphere around the two Sr Lucys is totally different. In contrast to the shy, pious, calm, humble, recollected aura of St Lucy 1, Sr Lucy 2 seems self-aggrandising, aggressive, desiring the attention of the crowd and of the popes. Some photos seem to show expressions of contempt.

    I think her disappearance is a crime and should be investigated by authorities. Even if she were a homeless nobody, if she disappeared, it would be investigated!!!!

    It’s not only a crime. It’s the crime of the century, inextricably implicated in the changes in the Catholic Church, attempts to ban the Latin Mass, and what appears to be a clear intention of Pope Francis to change the unalterable deposit of faith especially concerning sins against the 6th commandment, what is marriage, the unacceptability of “same sex marriage” and re-marriage after divorce. I refer to frequent photo ops of Pope Francis with Fr James Martin and with Same sex “married” couples, his support of LGBTI lobbies, etc.
    thank you for your work.

    Moira Eastman PhD

  2. Thank you for this summary - I do so hope you can provide us with a link to actually view and listen to your talk - we always gain so much when we can actually listen to your insights.

  3. Unfortunately, the organizers of the conference did not ask me to speak. I was just there to represent Sister Lucy Truth and the MOST canceled religious in the history of the Catholic Church!

  4. The FAKE Sr Lucy was all of a sudden declared 'Venerable' on June 22, 2023, on the eve of the conference of Canceled Priests. That was intended as a month's preparation for her imminent canonization by FAKE Pope Francis on Aug 5, 2023, when he went to Fatima for World Youth Day. It was planned that he would make history in Fatima and -- he would COMPLETE the Fatima story -- once and for all. In hindsight, because Our Lady of Fatima sent you to Chicago -- to MAKE NOISE about the IMPOSTER Sr Lucy to those controlled-opposition cancelled priests especially Fr Altman and Fr Lovell -- Francis did NOT canonize the FAKE Sr Lucy. He heard from his controlled-opposition cancelled priests henchmen that you were there spreading SLT and if the WYD also knew of SLT it would have awakened the 1 million Catholic youth to see that there was indeed the FATIMA FRAUD & CRIME and it would have toppled down the Vatican II Apostate Church. It was a gamble they could not AFFORD to lose! If an 8 year old can see the difference between the two Sr Lucys, an 18 year old and a 28 year old can also see the difference. Therefore the FAKE Sr Lucy was not canonized on August 5, 2023 and she might NEVER be canonized, unless done hastily, without fanfare, before a small audience at the Vatican.

    Christine Niles was in a hurry to make that video that there was NO FAKE Sr Lucy in her show at Church Militant to belittle SLT and pave for the canonization on August 5, 2023. But the Octopus Opus Dei could see from the comments people made that they cannot be fooled. If Christine Niles could not fool the American Catholics, neither could FAKE Pope Francis fool the WYD Catholics.

    Our Lady of Fatima therefore knew that it was imperative you went to Chicago to DETER the canonization of the IMPOSTER Sr Lucy.

    Sister Lucia dos Santos, pray for us.
    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us
    Inspired on the feast of the Assumption

  5. Look at the picture. To the left of Fr Lovell is a crucifix, and to his right is a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It's possible that they had a picture of the FAKE Sr Lucy ready to be placed beside Our Lady's statue because she was just declared "Venerable" on the eve of the registration of the conference.

    That was a month's preparation for her canonization by FAKE Pope Francis on August 5, 2023 at Fatima for World Youth Day.

    Fake Pope Francis needed to COMPLETE the Fatima Story: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II have been canonized as saints. Fr Josemaria Escriva of Opus Dei has been canonized a saint. The two children, Francisco and Jacinta, have been canonized as saints. The only one missing in the picture is Sr. Lucy. The PROBLEM is the picture of their Sr Lucy is the IMPOSTER!

    Perhaps Fr Lovell was ready to pray to "Venerable Sr Lucy, pray for us" and be the FIRST to foretell her imminent canonization. But Our Lady of Fatima checked-mate Fr Lovell! SLT was there in the audience.......

    So it is now a CATCH-22 for the Octopus Opus Dei. Damn it if they do and damn it if they don't.

    If FAKE Pope Francis canonizes the FAKE Sr Lucy, the whole world will come to know of SLT & the FATIMA FRAUD & CRIME. If he doesn't canonize her, the Fatima Story will always be INCOMPLETE...and people will ask, "WHY NOT?! Why are all those partners-in-crime 3 popes and Escriva saints, the 2 children saints, but not the seer who saw Our Lady the most? There is a saying, "He who laughs last, laughs best!" Our Lady of Fatima shall have the last laugh and the last word on this FAKE Sr Lucy saga.


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