Would Poles Rally for John Paul II if They Knew that He was the One Who Brought Out the Imposter After Paul VI had Put Her Back in the Closet on May 14, 1967?

Notice the Chin!!!!!

Find Proof for the Imposture at sisterlucytruth.com



  1. The chin of this shadow is very prominent.

  2. Fr Paul Kramer on the fake Sr Lucia. https://youtu.be/eazCfQUpoCY

  3. I find it interesting that mainstream media in previous years never tired of bashing the Church over it's misdeeds but has been silent on this. This is the first that I have heard this and I asked my wife if she was aware of this story and she said she hasn't read anything about this either. Could it be that the Vat 2 church in conjunction with the globalist elite are desperately trying to move the world to a one world religion and they might not want to have such a negative light directed at one it's "saints"?

  4. Czy św. Jan Paweł II wyciągnął sobowtóra siostry Łucji do Santos z zapomnienia? Przecież mógł być źle poinformowany i nie brał udziału w oszustwie lecz był ofiarą kościelnej mafii.

  5. The idea that John Paul II was unaware of the replacement is NOT A TENABLE POSITION. That a high level European intellectual, with close contact to the hierarchy from the 50s onward, would immediately see this fraud for what it is. He used the imposture and the faked persona of "Sister Lucy" to advance his Neo-Modernist agenda both in Church politics and international politics. Remember it was he who ordered the falsification of the Third Secret to --- surprise surprise -- be ABOUT HIM. He is definitely a person of interest in the Sister Lucy disappearance and NOT A SAINT. The idea that he is a saint is simply abominable.


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