And Away We Go!: At the 21 min. mark Dr. Marshall Admits "that it looks like two different Sister Lucys." Ukrainian Bishops Beg Pope Francis: CONSECRATE RUSSIA NOW! Dr Taylor Marshall.


  1. Francis is not a real Pope and he will not do the consecration of Russia. All the Popes of the Vatican II "con-LIARS" church do not have the true Catholic-Faith. Therefore, they did not receive the GRACES/BLESSINGS to do the consecration of Russia. Even Fr. Malachi said that to my friends. Fr. Pio and Fr. Luigi said "God cut them off, they have no graces to do God's Will..."

    They disgraced themselves by their disobeying to God's Mother. God cut them off. Period. Lately, Pope Benedict XVI regretted that he should listened to Fr. Gruner sooner. He wanted to do the right thing before he died but again, he has no graces to carry out. They "coup d'état" him and "house arrest" him to this present. Are there anyone, or someone brave enough to rescue him, I challenge all the Catholics in Rome to do a simple thing. Go rescue "your pope, Benedict XVI" give him a chance to withdraw his heresies and order the church to obey the Fatima Message. He keeps repeat himself "The Fatima is not fulfilled yet..." Can you imagine his conscience eat him up day and night? Because of his errors and his failure have cost billions souls to hell? Just imagine the pain he is suffering? Pray a great deal for him and help him. I pray for him daily and you should do too. May God give him a chance to undo the damages that he involved in when he was young. The Jewish background is the cause of his wrong decision.


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