Francis Gives Ringing Endorsement to Vaccination. US Supreme Court Does Not Prevent the Government Vaccination Mandate from Going into Effect Today.

Pope Francis calls for "reality therapy" on vaccines 

From CNN’s Delia Gallagher in Rome

Pope Francis lamented the misinformation and politicization of vaccines and called for “a sort of ‘reality therapy’ that makes us confront the problem head on.”  

“Vaccines are not a magical means of healing,” the Pope said on Monday during a speech to ambassadors accredited to the Vatican, but they are “the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the disease.” 

Unfortunately, Francis said, people are influenced by “baseless information or poorly documented facts” which distort reality. 

“Each of us has a responsibility to care for ourselves and our health…health care is a moral obligation,” the Pope said. 

The Pope said that the vaccines have effectively decreased “severe repercussions” of Covid-19 and efforts to vaccinate the general population should continue.  

Francis reiterated his appeal to the international community to guarantee everyone access to medical care and vaccines. 

“It is appropriate that institutions such as the World trade Organization and the World Intellectual Property Organization adapt their legal instruments lest monopolistic rules constitute further obstacles to production and to an organized and consistent access to health care on a global level,” the Pope said.


  1. The world is under Anti-Christ and his minions, his religion, his kingdom of darkness. The price to pay, folks. Ignored Fatima Message, Catholics welcome the NWO and so bis, they have what they wish for. All of these hardships and chastisements come because Catholics ignored and insulted the Mother of God and Her warnings.
    The neo-pseudo-Catholics and their Vatican II Conciliar Church should be very happy by now. They have one "world religion" that they wanted. Let Francis and the rest of them dancing to their death.


  3. Francis is an evil and anti Catholic agent. He works for the dark side.

  4. Francis wants to be the end times false prophet, of the NWO and one world religion. He even made deals with Big Pharma and governments. He was put in, by globalists and others of bad will as a fake pope to destroy people and belief in God and everything that is good an holy.


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