Rev. Sam Osborne, Mysteries of the Mass, Gnosticon 4, Sept. 18th 2021. An Explanation of the Gnostic Rite of "Mass" that Leads Us to Wonder Why this Intentional Mass of the Albigensian, Manichean, and Gnostic Heretics is Almost Identical to the New Mass of the Masonic Paul VI.

From the recent Gnosticon. We ask ourselves the question  as to why this ritual, intentionally heretical and invoking all the major heretics of the distant past --- resembles so much the Novus Ordo Missae of the Masonic Paul VI, both in the ritual itself, the attitude of the celebrant (I think he would be classified as a "reverent" "conservative" "priest" --- by our friends on EWTN), and in the naturalistic Teilhardian theology articulated by the "priest." Could it be that the effective banning of the "Latin Mass" is payback by people associated with this Kabbalistic sect for the "burning of the Cathars," who are mentioned here as "saints"? The rejection of vicarious atonement by these heretics is very interesting, since we see the same thing in the theology of the Neo-Modernist heretic Josef Ratzinger. It is not the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ that is offered by these Neo-Manicheans, but rather the "earthly" realm and the "spiritual" realms, with an intentional attempt to "share the energies" in this communal gathering and to share them with the community at large. Sounds "Novus" to me. Maybe one day we will fully recognize that Modernism was simply the old Kabbalistic, Incarnation and Material World denying Manicheanism presented with Kantian psychobabble. Maybe, in order to avoid the endless pingpong match between "New Mass" and "Latin Mass," we need to dig deeper into these world and Incarnation denying ideas that are the permanent enemy of the real Catholic Church? And, no, the real Sister Lucy would not tolerate any of it. They needed the fat dingbat to get the whole thing through. 

Come on.


  1. Why they are similar/identical? Because they are one and the same, come from the same root. Jesus Christ warned us "Be aware of the Pharisee's leaven..." The Judaism was way off track from the beginning. God sent Prophets over and over to make the correction for 2000 years. They mocked and they killed the Prophets. Finally, God the Son comes down to make sure they get themselves in order. They killed GOD too. They are rooted in the devils from the beginning. Jesus did not call them on their faces "YOUR FATHER IS SATAN" for no good reason. Jewish Kabbalah then and now, is the same doctrines of the Synagogue of Satan and this time is their peak time for they have infiltrated, invaded all religions, all governments, including the Catholic Church of Christ. "ROME HAS LOST THE FAITH AND BECOMES THE SEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST..." Sure did, Rome-Vatican II Conciliar Church is the NWO-Lucifer religion of the Jews, Cabals, Communists, Protestants, Atheists, Satanists, Freemasons-Zionists... Faggots and Pedophiles, Sodomites and Murderers/Abortionists... you name it, all evil, all wicked, all satanic voodoos, all criminals and perverted societies come from them. Keep Watch and Pray, God will not be mocked for long. TRUST IN THE SACRED HEART AND IMMACULATE HEART. MAKE REPARATION TO BOTH HEARTS. TODAY IS THE FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH OF OCTORBER. PLEASE DO THE CONSECRATION OF YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR CITY, YOUR COUNTRY, AND THE WHOLE WORLD TO THE SACRED HEART. TOMORROW, DO THE SAME TO THE IMMACULATE HEART AND DO SAY ROSARY DAILY. IF YOU CAN DO 15 DECADES EVERYDAY. DO IT. WE ARE IN THE BATTLE AND ONLY WEAPON WE HAVE ARE ROSARY AND HOLY EUCHARIST COME FROM TRUE MASS.

    1. Where is the holy Eucharist from the true Mass? It ended 60 years ago.

    2. The Latin Mass still has the holy Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling.

  2. Watching the video of the gnostic mass posted above, I was quite struck by the apparent “Christian” and “Trinitarian” trappings of the whole thing. One could easily mistake that service for a reverent Novus Ordo Mess, which in my opinion is arguably less evil than the latter, for the former is at the very least quite explicitly gnostic and heretical. Interestingly enough, the gnostic-Jewish (excuse me, I mean, "Catholic") Neo-Catechumenal Way of Kiko Arguelles also seems to hold the gnostic “Cross” in esteem and reverence, and be clearly seen displayed in the “Domus Galilaea”, an enormous complex in which they “mysteriously” were granted permission to build in the very heart of Galilee, in a miniscule territory where blood is spilled for possession of every square inch of territory, and where the Jewish authorities do not hesitate to permanently expel – even to the present day – former Christian Palestinians from their native lands!

    I have been studying the subject of gnosticism and its influence in the Church deeply since early 2018, and I can emphatically say that I agree 100% with Dr Chojnowski’s statement to the effect that, “Maybe one day we will fully recognize that Modernism was simply the old Kabbalistic, Incarnation and Material World denying Manicheanism…” My studies on this subject (unsurprisingly) led me to dive deep into Luther’s theology, from which I learned of a remarkable, but virtually unknown fact, and that is the University of Paris’s condemnation of Luther’s theology early in the 16th century as a resurrection of the errors of Manichaeanism, and a restorer of errors of past ages, including those of the Albigensians (Cathars, the same who are commemorated in the gnostic mass)!

    I believe a book in English dealing with this subject is desperately needed. In Spanish I know of (and have read) Fr Julio Meinvielle’s “De la Cábala al Progresismo”, and although the main thesis of the book is clear enough: modern theological errors can be traced back to gnostic and Kabbalistic thinking and doctrine, the book is unnecessarily verbose occasionally to the point of incomprehensibility, and generally just appears like a draft version of a book that could potentially have been an outstanding masterpiece worthy of being translated into multiple languages. Other than this work, alas, I know of no other work either in English or French which deals with this most important subject in any depth from a Catholic perspective!

    I would argue that the dubious “pingpong match between ‘New Mass’ and ‘Latin Mass,’ ” is to some extent part of the Freemasonic Hegelian dialect between “right” and “left” (and in which "Papa Emeritus" Joseph Ratzinger played a massive part, IMO). Unbeknown to most, some of the most ferocious defenders of the “Latin Mass” have (or, have had) strong links to the gnostic movement… I am not suggesting for a second that the Tridentine Mass is not important, however, in order to cover all sides, the devil has managed to get at least some of those Catholics who are instinctively repulsed by the obvious banality and Protestant flavour of the Novus Ordo Mess on his (the devil’s) side too.

    1. Have you ever heard the statement by a traditional priest(I forget who), "They will permit the traditional Mass once there are no valid priests left"?

      Have you seen how Paul VI invalidated the episcopal consecration rite?

      From St Alphonsus Liguori:
      "The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Anti-Christ, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel: ‘And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice' (Dan. 8:12)."

      Apparently the abolition of the Holy Sacrifice is part of the 3rd Secret of Fatima, as this mentions: (a 3 min. 40 sec segment from an important series of interviews at the Siri Project Channel)

      So few people know that Pius XII read the 3rd Secret on may 13, 1957, then secluded himself for close to 2 weeks, weeping bitterly. What the enemy-colonized Vatican revealed in 2000 certainly wouldn't have that affect on him.

    2. It is true up to a point

    3. Bergoglio alias Francis is not only a heretic but an apostate from all Christian faith !

  3. I agree. The alchemist kabbalist Novus Ordo- it's deeper than just being irreverent

  4. Dear Friend,

    All I know is what is presented on the video and a few of the other videos that were sent to me about the same event from Youtube. I believe it is very relevant because of the gnostic infiltration of various corners of the traditional Catholic movement. Also, there is an incredible similarity between the Novus Ordo Missae and this Gnostic liturgy. It is very important that Annibale Bugnigni was a Freemason and proven to be one.

    1. For anyone who still harboured doubts that a "Catholic" group enthusiastically sponsored by such NO luminaries as "St" John Paul II "The Great" and "Papa Emeritus" Joseph Ratzinger could flagrantly display the gnostic cross right in front of everyone's noses, here is visual proof so that you can see it with your very own eyes (the photo of "St" JP II celebrating the NO Mess in 1998 with the Jewish menorah quite literally substituting the Christian cross also comes to mind...). Here I am speaking in both instances of the Neo-Catechumenal Way's Domus Galilaea, of course.

    2. They know, all good Catholics and bad Catholics have been taught and experienced everything the same. They changed the liturgy because they have lost the faith and have chose who is their master. In order to bring out their messiah, they have to destroy the TRUE MESSIAD: CHIRST THE KING and the TRUE MASS. They have worked and planned inside the church for a long time until they can have "their men" in the top positions. When they got to the top positions, they changed everything to their own religion: The Synagogue of Satan. Everything come from the Talmudic Jewish Kabbalah. All true Catholics know that. Many books wrote and many lectures have been taught about that. You are a newbie, read one or two books will not give you enough information to claim that you are "knowledge about Catholic Teaching" Take 2000 years and many martyrs to built this church on the Foundation of "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE".

      Pray more, study more of the good books written by true Catholics or Saints, you will learn more. The best student and the wisest learner is the one who hold the virtue of humility.

  5. Fr Kramer is a good start, but to know what actually happened to initiate the Great Apostasy and Eclipse of the Church, it is helpful to know about the vitiated conclave of 1958, much info being at

    We also need to know that going to a traditional Latin Mass is not enough. We need priests with valid orders. Cognitively dissonant-inducing though it may be, 99.9% or more of "priests" in the world now are mere laymen in collars. See my comment below.

  6. "You are a newbie..." And how exactly do you surmise that...? You have quite rashly misjudged my level of understanding on these matters. I posted the above merely to show people who may have, perhaps accidently, stumbled upon this site and are not fully aware of the NO deception so that, even if they fail to recognize the heterodoxy of the written or spoken words coming out of the highest echelons of the Vatican, at least they may recognize it by the visual signs they so flagrantly and boldly dare to show in public...



  8. Heretics are as heretics do. So too as liars are as liars do. Evil never sleeps.

  9. It was meant to be that way !

  10. Common sense says, the Faith before the Mass.

  11. Most people are so dense and willfully ignorant, that they are incapable to know the difference or it is easier, to go along with their secular and religious leaders. They do not want to think.

  12. Most people are so dense and willfully ignorant, that they are incapable to know the difference or it is easier, to go along with their secular and religious leaders. They do not want to think.

  13. All that is needed for evil to triumph, is that good(dumb) men do nothing.

  14. The real question is : what is in the 3rd secret not revealed? Fr. Kramer posits that if the secret was revealed, churches would be full and long confessional lines, beating their breasts begging for forgiveness...this has got to be huge

    1. I've been reading your comments with great interest & learning much. Thank you! Since the video is gone, this is the first time I have EVER heard that the Nervous Disorder Mess is linked to the "mess" of the Gnostics! Didn't even know they *had* a "mess"! My family is SSPX...hoping their ordinations are valid!
      Would love to know the 3rd Secret, myself! Wouldn't we all?! I have loved Fatima and its seers ever since my conversion 26+ years ago. You wouldn't happen to know where this video has gone to? Why it was removed? Any other online copies somewhere? I have hunted, but I can't claim to be tech savvy in any way. Thank you for any/all help!


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