50th Anniversary of Fr. Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga's book, "The Montinian Church." After 50 years many are coming to realize that we have a..........drum roll.....a Montinian Church!



  1. I think Fr Luigi Villa did more research on anti-pope Paul VI than anyone. First he was given a "mission" from Padre Pio to expose and fight against ecclesiastical Freemasonry, then was given a unique Papal Mandate from Pius XII to do so. He endured 7 assassination attempts by the enemies of Christ, most of them by Freemasonic clergy, others by their secular Judeo-Freemasonic superiors. Fr Villa doesn't explicitly call Paul VI and "anti-pope," but implicitly does so, and he never calls him "Pope." Some good sources:

    Fr Luigi Villa, on Paul VI, Letter to all Cardinals: mumbailaity.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/letter-to-cardinals-compl-en-11.pdf (13 pages)
    chiesaviva.com/paoloVI%20beatoin.pdf (327 pages)
    "The Pope Who Changed the Church," by Fr Luigi Villa:  archive.org/8/items/CV92011PopePaulVI/CV%209%202011%20Pope%20Paul%20VI.pdf (96 pages)
    "Who is Fr Luigi Villa?": archive.org/23/items/FatherLuigiVilla/Father%20Luigi%20Villa.pdf (64 pages; on p. 8 read "Impostor Sr Lucia)

    See also:
    (and 2 other short related articles there. The site itself is a mixed bag). One can clearly see how Montini was blackmailed by the enemies of the Church his entire clerical career.

  2. No need to support the spirit of Antichrist by buying from Amazon when you can read it for free here, with several choices:

    Check archive.org before buying any book, in fact, esp. from non-Catholic publishers. You may find it there for free. It's also good to sign up so one can leave positive reviews for good books, to make them more widely known and read.

  3. We have all the signs, all the warnings, all the truth out there if we truly love the truth and seek the truth... plus the Saints and Our Lady told us. But we are fools to let them duped us all. We are to be blamed for our church and our faith lost. We lost miserably, since 1917 to present. They manipulated and killed all good popes, good bishops, good priests to pave way for their sodomites and pedophiles to get in. All the agents of KGB, MOSSAD, CIA... all the antichrists of this world to get in to destroy the church from within. All the popes of the Vatican II are traitors. Period. Traitors and compromisers are not Catholics and they should not be called or treated as POPES of the Holy Catholic Church. There is one way out "Rise up and take them out under the power and protection of Our Lady." Where is "MILITIA IMMACULATA?" Where is "Church Militants?" We are not born to be wimps but to be SAINTS (SOLDIERS FOR CHIRST?) What is wrong with this world? We have no grace, we have no leader, we have lost the Faith and God turns us away. Repent and do our penance so that God will give us the Great Monarch and Great Pope who obeys God and do His Will. May God help us. Mother Mary, crush the serpent head to save us and your Son's Church. We beg you now, Our Lady, Our Queen, Our Mother.

    1. According to the visions/revelations of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich, the next true pope will be appointed by Sts. Peter and Paul, who will miraculously appear in Rome to the astonishment of the people and appoint God's chosen candidate. At this point now, something like that seems credible, especially since Paul VI, a servant of the traditional enemies of the Church, clearly invalidated the episcopal consecration rite, meaning that the Vatican II "bishops" and "priests," cognitively dissonant as it may be to even traditional-minded Catholics, are actually laymen in clerical garb, and only SSPV, CMRI, and a few others who have maintained all the traditional sacramental rites, are truly priests and bishops. "The Church will be in eclipse," as Our Lady of La Salette foretold in 1846. See


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