Ratzinger knows about the substitution of Sister Lucy of Fatima. It is time for him to come clear about this --- the Greatest Cover-Up in the History of the Catholic Church!


This is the only image I have of the Fake Sister Lucy with Cardinal Ratzinger. He met with her, had a picture taken to portray to the world that this was the real Sister Lucy. He knows that this is a fraud and that his portrayal of the Third Secret was also a complete fraud. Why don't these men ever come clean? Even when facing death and judgment?


  1. who is this other person in the photo?

    1. OOPS! Even the furniture is fake. Fr. Gigantic Head seems to be perched on an armless chair jammed into Cardinal Ratzinger, who is in a chair showing an arm that Sr. Lucy2 is clutching. Except that the arm of Ratzinger's chair that Lucy2 is grabbing was pasted OVER the top of some original Ratzinger picture. The highlight on the flat arm of Ratzinger's chair is magically exempt from the big, deep shadow line from the sharply-directed flash blocked by Ratzinger's body. It's another fake in the Great Deception. Take a gander at the manly brow ridge on "Rhymes with 'Sister'" Lucy2, bigger than Fr. Gigantic Head, though the incompetent intelligence operative might have cut off Father's brow ridge in editing the faux photo.

  2. Cardinal Ratzinger is holding his hands in an unusual manner.

    1. That is the hand signal of the Masonic (Freemasons, Luciferians' cult have over 333 signals). Either he signaled to us "here is the cover up of the real sister Lucia arrived" or he is telling the other gangs that their plan is up to date, we found the new "messenger" to cover our asses. Pick out the one you like according to your believe in him. I personally think, he is one of them. But more time he live and see thing, he begin to torture in his suffering---his conscious has bothered him day and night. Because of his errors and the errors of the Vatican II, over 2 billions people had died and lost the faith, and now 7 billions more are going the same path if he is not come out clean now. That is why JESUS SAID "PRAY A GREAT DEAL FOR THE POPE..." PRAY THAT HE GAINS HIS GRACE AND COME CLEAN, RATHER DIE AND BY MARTYR THAN LIVE AND BE A TRAITOR. HE HAS NO GRACE TO DEFEND THE TRUTH BECAUSE HE CONTRIBUTES SO MUCH HERESIES INTO IT FOR HIS ENTIRE LIFE. IT'S VERY DIFFICULT TO TURN 180 DEGREE OPPOSITE. Pray for him, according to some mystics, he will repent and come clean before his last breath. PRAY FOR HIM, HE IS UNDER A LOT OF SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL TORTURES. HE KNEW HIS SINS AND THE PRICE OF HIS FAILURE. Now he is so regret that he rejected and resented Father Gruner and Fatima Message. Too late for him, pray extra Rosary to Father Gruner to help Pope Benedict XVI before it's too late.

    2. Devil horns, he did it constantly- the Rat is a Rat infiltrator.

    3. I agree with previous commentator on Ratzinger except on the question as to who Sr. Lucy was was referring to. Our Lady was most likely referring to Pope Pius X11. He suffered toward the end of his life. They possibly poisioned him too preventing the 3rd secret from being read. Ratzinger is a confirmed mason for sure. Interesting article in Chiesa Viva by Fr. Luigi Villa regarding Ratzinger. Quite a revelation.

    4. With a corrupt and depraved Freemason like Ricardo Galleazi-Lisi for a personal physician, it makes it even easier to believe Pius XII was poisoned.


      The "traditional enemies of Christ" and their subordinate Freemasonic assets who had colonized the Vatican even apparently poisoned Padre Pio. They didn't want him alive when the Bogus Ordo was imposed on the Church.


      The pdfs there have been "neutralized' by these same agents of Satan for almost a year now. www.chiesaviva.com has some of them, but not this one on the poisoning of Padre Pio. If any one has saved it, you could share it with Dr Chojnowski.

    5. I read that article chiesa vivaiva…. Found it hard to believe … but the Father Luigi Villa NEVER misled us.think he was a Latter Day Saint.

  3. I think it was pent up guilt on his part, knowing he was wrapped up in an immeasurably great evil conspiracy to which he was either committed or from which he just could not extricate himself that made Ratzinger reveal to Fr Dollinger, a close friend of his, that the Third Secret included a foretelling of "a bad council and a bad mass": onepeterfive.com/cardinal-ratzinger-not-published-whole-third-secret-fatima/

  4. The Ratzinger-Sister Lucy2 photo is a bad cut-and-paste job. Study FAMILY FAUXTOS at CUTTING THROUGH THE FOG. Common mistakes are mismatched head sizes, people positioned through each other, and lighting / shadow contradictions, like this exemplar. FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGIST WANTED! Sister Lucy2 is a "MISTER" Lucy with a massive brow ridge and male digit ratios with the ring finger longer than the index finger. Ditto the fake Mother Prioress! sola fatima at protonmail

    1. Can you provide some links to the pics and info you're talking about?

    2. Now really! You cannot even see Sr. Lucy's hands! BTW, on my left hand the ring finger is longer than the index finger, one the right hand they are practically even. So what does that make?

    3. Watch the various videos of "Sister Lucia" visiting Fatima with her Mother-Prioress. These are listed in the Portuguese with the subject as "Irma Lucia" or SIster Lucia. Watch carefully for the digit ratios of these two. The ring fingers are longer than the index fingers. The Mother-Prioress clapped a hand on the shoulder of "Sister Lucia" and that corked it. Immaculate Heart, triumph, reign and rule over all hearts for God's glory and our ultimate salvation in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. AMEN


  5. I asked if I could put this great telegram on my website but forgot to give the name.
    https:// maryanne84.Wordpress.com

    Haurietis aquas


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