The Gnostic Prophet Mani - Dr. Stephan Hoeller. The Manichean Roots of the Gnostic Infiltration of Catholic Tradition. No Wonder they want "A New Thomas Aquinas." He said the Material World was Good and that God is Eternal Unchanging Light and Existence.

Guess what the Neo-Manichean Gnostic apostates on the "right" and the Neo-Modernists apostates on the "left" agree on: that there is divinity in human nature itself. Dr. Wolfgang Smith acknowledges this in his text, In Quest of Catholicity [As if we have not had it for the past 2,000 years!]: Malachi Martin responds to Wolfgang Smith.

Keep this Manicheanism in mind when we go through the books of Wolfgang Smith.

Remember what St. Augustine said in his Confessions, speaking of the Manichees he said, "They have the name Christ ALWAYS ON THEIR LIPS." He said that they understood themselves to be the "Spiritual Christians," as opposed to the "materialistic" Catholicos --- the "exoteric" Catholics!


  1. "Guess what the Neo-Manichean Gnostic apostates on the "right" and the Neo-Modernists apostates on the "left" agree on: that there is divinity in human nature itself."

    Are you confusing Christian Platonism with Manicheanism perhaps? In any case original sin was created by Augustine the Manichean.


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