Charles Coulombe is not a traditional Catholic. He sees no INTRINSIC Problem with the Novus Ordo, New Church, NewPapacy, or Vatican II. He admits, towards the end of this video that he MOST OFTEN goes to the Novus Ordo. "Communion" "reverently" given by Ms. Sheila in the Morning and a Little Tarot Reading with "Bishop" Hoeller in the Afternoon...or more likely Evening, No?

How Nice, Reverent, and Non-Threatening is "Bishop" Hoeller? See full-blown Occultism here. When Mr. Hoeller says that "Satan" is just a concept coming from the Christian mind so "a Satanist has to be a Christian first," you just got to wonder:

Further proof of Coulombe's involvement. Mr. Coulombe must feel comfortable transitioning between is "during the week" Novus Ordo and the Gnostic mockery of the Mass seen below:


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