If the Truth about the Replacement of Sister Lucy of Fatima had a Money Trough Attached, Would the Fatima Industry and the World Acknowledge It?



Offline Tradman

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    Re: More on Sister Lucy of Fatima
    « Reply #5 on: March 12, 2021, 09:14:30 AM »
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  • Looks to me like the same person after dental work.  I fail to see how the Church finds a close match to her looks and convinces her to take on a false ID and live in a cloister for the rest of her life? 
    Imagine a card game. Only those are allowed to play who can see no difference in the two Lucys in the various photos on the cards. All the players have to do is correctly separate the photos of the two Lucys. James Martin SJ would have to pay winners $10,000 in cash but only to those who can separate all the cards correctly. Every single person who initially saw no difference in the two Lucys, would suddenly see the differences, and win the game. Y'all just need a little motivation.   


    1. If a person who love the TRUTH, who seek the TRUTH, who live the TRUTH, who spread the TRUTH,
      and who defend the TRUTH... he/she will always recognize the truth and stand up for the truth. The
      truth is a virtue a gift from God and GOD IS THE TRUTH. Why people do not recognize the truth? Because deep down in them, they are not with God or have any love for God. Pure simple. The people who can't see the true Sister Lucia and the Impostor Sister Lucia as two different persons have no God in them and that's a fact. If even a non-Catholic don't even know nothing about Fatima or religious orders, look at two pictures can say in a second that those two pictures represent two different persons. If even a child can see it and without hesitation say that those are two different persons. Then only one word for the adults who denied the truth is that they are being possessed for not telling the truth because they made up their minds to tell lie to cover up the crime of the Freemasons inside the Vatican II :"the MURDER OF A PROPHET". Yes Vatican II killed the real Sister Lucia and replaced her with a con-artist pony sister Lucia. The blood of the Martyr on the hands of John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and even Benedict XVI... I have no doubt that they "didn't know anything about the fate of the real Sister Lucia"... They are all in that for their MODERNISM CHURCH and now that modernism church turns out to be New Religion of the New Jews World Disorder which is 100% Synagogue of Satan and the Cabals have successfully killed Christ 2000 years ago and now successfully killed His Holy Catholic Church. Hang on to the Rosary, SHE WILL CRUSH THEIR HEADS. PRAY, PRAY EVERY HAIL MARY IS A BULLET INTO THEIR HEAD. KEEP THE FATIMA MESSAGE, WE ARE CLOSED TO VICTORY DON'T BE AFFRAID OF SOME SUFFERINGS.

    2. I agree with Tallin Trad: who in her right mind would want to live in a strict cloister for 40 years or so till her death? As a nun she could not have received any money from outside either. And how can anyone imitate the deep spirituality of Sr. Lucy? How come her relatives did not notice anything strange during all those years? DNA test please!!!

      1. If you can, please help Dr. Chojnowski. His intention was to do that quite sometimes but lack of money to pay for investigators to hunt down the true roots of Sister Lucia (relatives) and the fake sister Lucia... They even intend to find the bodies of both. Pray and help if you can. This humble project doesn't alarm to the world but it is the most critical and the most important. When people know the TRUE FATE OF THE REAL SISTER LUCIA, the kingdom of the Antichrist is begun to crackdown. Help him, this project cost more than 10K and nobody donates to him, they spent their money in the Luciferians' affairs not God's affairs.


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