"US-Friendly" Contact Within the Vatican Indicated Right After the Death of Pope Pius XII that US Governmental Authorities Must Use the American Cardinals to Prevent the Election of Cardinals Siri, Ottaviani, or Ruffini. The US Government Clearly Saw the Election of a Real Catholic to the Papal Throne in 1958 to be a Threat. Is there No Logical Connection between THIS Telegram and the Strange events of October 26,27, and 28th 1958 within the Sistine Chapel?
Here are the list of the 53 Cardinals who met in Rome for the Conclave in Rome in October 1958. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_electors_for_the_1958_papal_conclave Dr. Chojnowski: This telegraph from Ambassador Zellerbach (US ambassador to Italy) and the Secretary of State of the United States under the Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles is a clear path mark indicating to us what we should be looking for as regards the happenings in the 1958 papal conclave that met from October 25-28, exactly 2 weeks after this telegram to the US Secretary of State was written and sent. What do we read in this telegram and why does it matter in our investigation into the fate of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima? We do not, as of yet, have a smoking gun telegram, but this one is clearly a picture of a double-barrel shot gun loaded, locked, safety off, aimed, and finger on the trigger communication. The US government seems an imminent "threat" and it is ready to act --- n
And the stupid Americans are the first ones who will buying it. No wonder why, the Catholic Mystics had prophesized that God will take 2/3 of them out. Pray and do penance so that Our Lady and St. Joseph will intercede for us to be spared when the Wrath of God come.
ReplyDeleteThe facts are these:
Delete(1) The Conciliar Church is not the Catholic Church since Vatican II. The only resemblance is the buildings;
(2) It is infested with Homosex Prelates spewing false sacraments led by a series of increasingly Fake Popes, Prelates and Priests. The obvious majority of which are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.
(3) Our Lady of Fatima has lowered her arms and She is allowing increasing self-induced chastisements to rain down upon us from her Son;
(4) Why now? WE EARNED IT! Nations can't DISS, HIDE, and/or IGNORE Her at Vatican 2 and then blow off her Fatima requests with impunity, while disappearing and replacing her authentic messenger, the real Sister Lucy..with an OBVIOUS IMPOSTER.
This one act is enough to send every prelate in the Conciliar Church straight to HELL...
(5) America has led herself and the West to utter morally depravity and bankruptcy as a nation(s). You can't allow, condone and support the blatant murder of 60 million + innocents I/N/O of "Personal Freedom" and/or "Choice" without paying a terrible price either NOW or LATER....
(6) IT"S NOW TIME. With a few exceptions only God is going to change this.....and NOT the legions of Armchair Patriots in front of their TV's, or armed with their refreshments, I-pads and Cell Phones....blathering rage....but....moral cowards all....signifying Nothing but noxious Gas.
Barring an intervention by Our Lord and/or His Mother....Stick a fork in it....We Are Done!
To Paraphrase an old Wall Street Firm's classic TV commercial... to wit.....
May Our Lady of Fatima have mercy on us and protect Her Son's faithful children