Woke Right! Avalanche of New Monuments to Emperor Nicholas II dedicated throughout Russia. Even though Russia was Schismatic, it was not until Nicholas fell that Our Lady spoke about "The Errors of Russia" Spreading throughout the World.


Monument to Nicholas and Alexandra newly installed in Bosnia-Herzegovina



  1. Even so, Nicholas ll and his family were devout Orthodox Christians. They were murdered in cold blood and we're canonized by their church as Saints. They were shot by Bolshevik Jews.

  2. The errors of Russia, Our Lady was referring to were the errors of the Bolshevik Jews and the government they created.

  3. They were also heads of state.

  4. Many Orthodox Christians put Catholics to shame.

  5. There are some Orthodox Christians that put Traditional Catholics to shame in terms of devotion.

  6. Nicholas ll was a head of state and was murdered in cold blood, along with his family. They deserve monuments to them.

  7. They deserve monuments because Nicholas ll was head of state and should be honored.

  8. The Errors of Russia, were of the Bolsheviks and the System of Evil they created . Not of the Russian people.

  9. Nicholas ll was official head of state in pre Bolshevik Russia and was declared a saint by the Russia Orthodox Church. He and his family deserve monuments in their honor.


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