The Khazarian Bankster Cult Owns Donald Trump. On Christmas, Let's remember that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Messiah.


  1. The problem is more than 75 millions who voted for him did not see it. They think the man is a Christian. What a joke!!! He even told them "I am a Mason. I am one of them but I think different though..." Still people worship him like he is a god. Yes he claimed "I am a chosen one". He directly told the people that he is "king of the Jews" Unbelievable, people lost the sense of faith completely.

    1. Trump is a liar, deceiver, Trojan horse and all around heretic. He is a silver spoon fool, who only cares about himself and those who continue to make him "great" and "super rich". He is a lost soul.

  2. Sadly i dont it matters who gets into office, their all owned.

    1. How true, they all work for the same side against the people.

  3. Who cares? Trump is a silver spoon liar, actor, Trojan horse, orange fat traitor.

  4. I agree with the above comments concerning actor, liar, traitor and Trojan Horse Trump. Before Trump was "elected" (selected) president, he was hailed as "savior", "messiah" and "God's Anointed One". By Catholic and non-Catholic groups. I never fell for this lying clown. What blasphemy !

  5. Trump was the "father" of Operation Warp Speed and the death shot. Trump was also a distant cousin of Hillary Clinton and praised her and husband Bill, instead of putting her in jail as promised. Trump was one of them.

  6. Trump's likeness appeared on various Israeli coins and medals and was hailed as "King of the Jews" and recognized as having moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. More blasphemy! Trump should have known better, but he was one of them.

  7. The problem is that most people have turned their backs away from God. It is only lip service to God, at the most. People put their trust in evil, money grubbing men, false science and the media including tv and technology. They only want to control and steal from people, and who let them get away with it, and laugh all the way to the bank.


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