Moscow Orthodox Patriarch criticizes the heresy of Modernism. He attacks Same-Sex "Marriage." Why do the Russians have such masculine exponents of even schismatic Christianity, while we dwell in such a demasculinized social, political, and religious world.


  1. The soil is being prepared, tilled and aeriated!

  2. These days I tend to think the worst. In this case I believe it is more likely "controlled opposition," analogous to Fox News vs CNN, both controlled by the enemies of Christ and of the human race. Here we have the (relatively) conservative Russia vs the liberal West, including anti-pope Francis, the Vatican, and the whole organizational structure of the Church, i.e., the counterfeit church established in 1958. Judeo-Freemasonry is in control of both sides. As Lenin said, "The best way to overcome the opposition is to be the opposition."

    1. How true, in today's world. Darrell, you and your research (only by reading books and other material, written by someone, who may be spreading rumors for their own agendas) should take note of this. How can you trust the government and members of the Vatican or others who claim they have so called privy knowledge ? Remember, regardless of the rumors or questionable information, conclaves are held under strict secrecy, whether good or bad.

  3. Replies
    1. Perestroika deception - where did all the KGB /Commie Talmudic terrorists go? Any Nuremberg trial for them? A. They became the clergy.

      Russia was not consecrated.

  4. Orthodoxy is ultra Traditional, that is why..

    1. It is most important that the Orthodox be re-converted to the true Catholic Faith, as they are close to to being Catholics.

  5. Nothing is what it seems. They use Hegellian dialectic tricks. Say one thing but do the opposite. These tricksters use good and evil and evil is hiding behind the good.

    Russian patriarch pays tribute to Fidel Castro
    Dear Comandante,

    On your 90th birthday, kindly accept my cordial congratulations on this remarkable date.
    The Lord has given you a long life. For the past years you have gained a precious experience of public administration and a great authority both inside and outside your Motherland and have written your name in the chronicle of both the Cuban and the world history. To a considerable extent it is through your personal participation that friendly relations have been established between the peoples of Russia and Cuba.
    The Russian Orthodox is grateful to you for the attention you give to the Orthodox Christians in Cuba and to the implementation of the project for building a church of Our Lady of Kazan in Havana. I cherish good memories of our meetings and warm talks with you during my visit to the Island of Freedom last February.
    On this festive day, I wish you physical strength, peace of mind and help from the Lord in your life journey.
    With profound respect,
    + KIRILL

    1. Some Orthodox leaders have sold out, and are not trustworthy.

  6. The Orthodox, have many dioceses which are separate. Some are not in communion with each other. Some people of Orthodox communities put Traditional Catholics, and Catholics in general to shame in their devotion to Christ and Mary. Even though they are not Catholic. Also, the Rosary was invented and started in the East. They use the original Rosary. They also use shorter versions of the Rosary. This is one of the keys to their eventual re- conversion to the true Catholic Faith.

    1. What? The Rosary was given to St Dominic from the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  7. The Rosary started as knotted prayer beads by the Desert Fathers in the East, around the 3rd and 4th centuries. Marian prayers were expanded by later councils. The Rosary is pre schism and is used by both Catholics and Orthodox.

    1. They use mostly prayers to God or Jesus in their prayer ropes. There are few who say prayers to Mary. Eastern Orthodox usually venerate Mary thru the use of Her icons.

    2. At first, the Desert Fathers were so poor and simple, that they used pebbles to count and say prayers on, as believed by some. Knotted Prayer ropes or beads were later used.

  8. These prayer beads or prayer ropes, continue to be used in Eastern Christianity but only involve the the Pater Noster and prayers to Jesus. Only a few say any prayers to Mary, out of private devotion.


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