More Proof that "Saint" Josemaria Escriva was Certainly Aware of the Elimination of Sister Lucy and the Putting in Place of the Imposter. He knew her in the 40s, the Carmel and the Shrine at the Cova da Iria were "Cooperators" with Opus Dei, he was at the first appearance of the Fake on May 13, 1967, and he went to Fatima and "saw" the Fake in the 70s. Opus Dei is Up to its Neck in the Fraud.


  1. What sort of lawyers could be hired to bring charges, at least for crimes committed or abetted outside the sovereignty of Vatican City.
    I would be willing to make monthly payments toward such a case, as would others here.

  2. Saw the Fatima movie yesterday. Nothing in it really disturbed my Catholic sense, although it certainly was not a 'Catholic movie'. It was not quite a parody of Fatima but the movie certainly would defuse any zeal for the words of the BVM. Some of it was historically inaccurate to the point of absurdity. The near comical interviews with the supposed elder Sr. Lucy and the failure to even mention freemasonry seems suspect. If I were to produce a film that would turn one of the most important historical events in history (if you except Fatima) into a quaint story of some innocent children creating a hysteria in a backward ignorant European village this would be it. Further if I sought to discredit any supernatural events that had occurred and wanted to discredit any authority on the matter and put to rest the whole thing, this too would be it. I think it would be impossible to deny that this movie could be the perfect 'anti - authentic Fatima message - propaganda hit piece'
    And then - we have Sister Lucy Truth.

    I watched the credits at the end and there was really nothing of note that indicated that the movie was supported, sanctioned or underwritten by any formal Catholic group, order or organization. (although I may have missed it) It is almost as though the producers consciously looked to distance themselves from any formal or 'traceable' direct financial support. I know a little about movie production and investments that support independent and small studio productions. If Opus Dei put out a note for cooperators to financially support this film, they could have easily raised enough for the production.
    The timing of the film juxtaposed with the great work being done to achieve Justice for the true dear Lucy seems too coincidental. Finding a link between Opus Dei and this film would likely further this great two-lucy cause.

    PS. I saw a reference as some point that the name that Lucy was given by her order
    was "Maria of sorrows" . Could that be confirmed? and indicate if that was as a Dorothean or later as a Carmelite (or the suspected Opus Dei simulated Carmelite convent)
    Thanks for all you do!


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