Lista Pecorelli: Were these involved in Vatican Penetration But Not Involved with the Murder/Disappearance and Imposture of Sister Lucy of Fatima?
“Pecorelli’s List:” Alleged Freemasons in the Vatican
From, also published in Chiesa Viva by Fr. Luigi Villa, personally commissioned by Pope Pius XII and Padre Pio to uncover Masonic infiltration of the Catholic Church at the highest levels. See,
The Pecorelli list alleges the presence of Freemasons in the upper ranks of the Vatican II Church (prohibited and causing excommunication). The list was published by Carmine Pecorelli, a member of Propaganda Due and the Grande Oriente d’Italia, purporting to be a list of 120 masons in or associated with Vatican dicasteries, including cardinals, bishops and priests as well as members of the laity. It included Cardinal Jean Villot and Cardinal Agostino Casaroli who were Secretary of State in the Vatican City. Pecorelli himself was murdered shortly after in March 1979.
*Each man’s name is followed by his position, if known; the date he was allegedly initiated into Masonry, his code #; and his code name, if known:
*Alberto Albondi. Bishop of Livorno, (Leghorn). Initiated 8-5-58; I.D. # 7-2431.
*Pio Abrech In the Sacred Congregation Bishops. 11-27-67; # 63-143.
*Sabino Acquaviva. Professor of Religion at the University of Padova, (Padua). 12-3-69;# 275-69.
*Gottardi Alessandro. (Addressed as Doctor in Masonic meetings.) President of Fratelli Maristi. 6-14-59.
*Fiorenzo Angelini. Bishop of Messenel, Greece. 10-14-57; # 14-005.
*Benedetto Argentieri. Patriarch to the Holy See. 3-11-70; # 298-A.
*Augustin Bea. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.
Sebastiano Baggio. Cardinal. Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops. (This is a crucial Congregation since it appoints new Bishops.) Secretary of State under Pope John Paul II from 1989 to 1992. 8-14-57; # 85-1640. Masonic code name “SEBA.” He controls consecration of Bishops.
*Dante Balboni. Assistant to the Vatican Pontifical . Commission for Biblical Studies. 7-23-68; # 79-14 “BALDA.”
*Salvatore Baldassarri. Bishop of Ravenna, Italy. 2-19-58; # 4315-19. “BALSA.”
*Ernesto Balducci. Religious sculpture artist. 5-16-66; # 1452-3.
*Ernesto Basadonna. Prelate of Milan, 9-14-63; # 9-243. “BASE.”
*Guilio Batelli. Lay member of many scientific academies. 8-24-59; # 29-A. “GIBA.”
*Lorenzo Bedeschi. 2-19-59; # 24-041. “BELO.”
*Luigi Belloli. Rector of Seminar; Lombardy, Ita- ly. 4-6-58; # 22-04. “BELLU.”
*Cleto Belluchi. Coadjutor Bishop of Fermo, Italy. 6-4-68; # 12-217.
*Luigi Bettazzi. Bishop of Ivera, Italy. 5-11-66; # 1347-45. “LUBE.”
*Giovanni Bianchi. 10-23-69; # 2215-11. “BIGI.”
*Franco Biffi. Msgr, Rector of Church of St. John Lateran Pontifical University. He is head of this University and controls what is being taught. He heard confessions of Pope Paul VI. 8-15-59. “BIFRA.”
*Mario Bicarella. Prelate of Vicenza, Italy. 9-23-64; # 21-014. “BIMA.”
*Gaetano Bonicelli. Bishop of Albano, Italy. 5-12-59; # 63-1428, “BOGA.”
*Giancarlo Boretti. 3-21-65; # 0-241. “BORGI.”
*Alberto Bovone. Substitute Secretary of the Sacred Office. 3-30-67; # 254-3. “ALBO.”
*Mario Brini. Archbishop. Secretary of Chinese, Oriental, and Pagans. Member of Pontifical Commission to Russia. Has control of rewriting Canon Law. 7-7-68; # 15670. “MABRI.”
*Annibale Bugnini. Archbishop. Wrote Novus Ordo Mass. Envoy to Iran, 4-23-63; # 1365-75. “BUAN.”
*Michele Buro. Bishop. Prelate of Pontifical Commission to Latin America, 3-21-69; # 140-2. “BUMI.”
*Agostino Cacciavillan. Secretariat of State. 11-6-60; # 13-154.
*Umberto Cameli. Director in Office of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of Italy in regard to education in Catholic doctrine. 11-17-60; # 9-1436.
*Giovanni Caprile. Director of Catholic Civil Affairs. 9-5-57; # 21-014. “GICA.”
*Giuseppe Caputo. 11-15-71; # 6125-63. “GICAP.”
*Agostino Casaroli. Cardinal. Secretary of State (next to Pope) under Pope John Paul II since July 1, 1979 until retired in 1989. 9-28-57; # 41-076. “CASA.”
*Flamino Cerruti. Chief of the Office of the University of Congregation Studies. 4-2-60; # 76-2154. “CEFLA.”
*Mario Ciarrocchi. Bishop. 8-23-62; # 123-A. “CIMA.”
*Enrico Chiavacci. Professor of Moral Theology, University of Florence, Italy. 7-2-70; # 121-34. “CHIE.”
*Carmelo Conte. 9-16-67; # 43-096. “CONCA.”
*Alessandro Csele. 3-25-60; # 1354-09. “ALCSE.”
*Luigi Dadagio. Papal Nuncio to Spain. Archbishop of Lero. 9-8-67. # 43-B. “LUDA.”
*Enzio D’Antonio. Archbishop of Trivento. 6-21-69; # 214-53.
*Donate De Bous. Bishop. 6-24-68; # 321-02. “DEBO.”
*Luigi Del Gallo Reoccagiovane. Bishop.
*Aldo Del Monte. Bishop of Novara, Italy. 8-25-69; # 32-012. “ADELMO.”
*Danielle Faltin. 6-4-70; # 9-1207. “FADA.”
*Giuseppe Ferraioli. Member of Sacred Congregation for Public Affairs. 11-24-69; # 004-125. “GIFE.”
*Giovanni Franzoni. 3-2-65; # 2246-47. “FRAGI.”
*Vito Gemmiti. Sacred Congregation of Bishops. 3-25-68; # 54-13. “VIGE.”
*Giulio Girardi. 9-8-70; # 1471-52. “GIG.”
*Angelinin Fiorenzo. Bishop. Title of Commendator of the Holy Spirit. Vicar General of Roman Hospitals. Controls hospital trust funds. Consecrated Bishop 7-19-56; joined Masons 10-14-57.
*Massimo Giustetti. 4-12-70; # 13-065. “GIUMA.”
*Alessandro Gottardi. Procurator and Postulator General of Fratelli Maristi. Archbishop of Trent. 6-13-59; # 2437-14. “ALGO.”
*Mario Gozzini. 5-14-70; # 31-11. “MAGO.”
*Carlo Grazinai. Rector of the Vatican Minor Seminary. 7-23-61; # 156-3. “GRACA.”
*Antonio Gregagnin. Tribune of First Causes for Beatification. 10-19-67; # 8-45. “GREA.”
*Franco Gualdrini. Rector of Capranica. 5-22-61; # 21-352. “GUFRA.”
*Annibale Ilari. Abbot. 3-16-69; # 43-86. “ILA.”
*Pio Laghi. Nunzio, Apostolic Delegate to Argentina, and then to U.S.A. until 1995. 8-24-69; # 0-538. “LAPI.”
*Giovanni Lajolo. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 7-27-70; # 21-1397. “LAGI.”
*Angelo Lanzoni. Chief of the Office of Secretary of State. 9-24-56; # 6-324. “LANA.”
*Virgilio Levi (alias Levine), Monsignor. Assistant Director of Official Vatican Newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. Manages Vatican Radio Station. 7-4-58; # 241-3. “VILE.”
*Lino Lozza. Chancellor of Rome Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas of Catholic Religion. 7-23-69; # 12-768. “LOLI.”
*Achille Lienart. Cardinal. Grand Master top Mason. Bishop of Lille, France. Recruits Masons. Was leader of progressive forces at Vatican II Council.
*Pasquale Macchi. Cardinal. Pope Paul’s Prelate of Honour and Private Secretary until he was excommunicated for heresy by Pope Paul VI. Was reinstated by Secretary of
State Jean Villot, and made a Cardinal. 4-23-58; # 5463-2. “MAPA.”
*Italo Mancini. Director of Sua Santita. 3-18-68; # l551-142. “MANI.”
*Enrico Manfrini. Lay Consultor of Pontifical Commission of Sacred Art. 2-21-68; # 968-c. “MANE.”
*Francesco Marchisano. Prelate Honour of the Pope. Secretary Congregation for Seminaries and Universities of Studies. 2-4-61; 4536-3. “FRAMA.”
*Paul Marcinkus. American bodyguard for imposter Pope. From Cicero, Illinois. Stands 6’4″. President for Institute for Training Religious. 8-21-67; # 43-649. Called “GORILLA.” Code name “MARPA.”
*Saltvatore Marsili. Abbot of Order of St. Benedict of Finalpia near Modena, Italy. 7-2-63; # 1278-49. “SALMA.”
*Antonio Mazza. Titular Bishop of Velia. Secretary General of Holy Year, 1975. 4-14-71. # 054-329. “MANU.”
*Venerio Mazzi. Member of Council of Public Affairs of the Church. 10-13-66; # 052-s. “MAVE.”
*Pier Luigi Mazzoni. Congregation of Bishops. 9-14-59; # 59-2. “PILUM.”
*Luigi Maverna. Bishop of Chiavari, Genoa, Italy. Assistant General of Italian Catholic Azione. 6-3-68; # 441-c. “LUMA.”
*Albino Mensa. Archbishop of Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy. 7-23-59; # 53-23. ” MENA.”
*Carlo Messina. 3-21-70; # 21-045. “MECA.”
*Zanon Messina (Adele). 9-25-68; # 045-329. ” AMEZ.”
*Dino Monduzzi. Regent to the Prefect of the Pontifical House. 3-11 -67; # 190-2. “MONDI.”
*Daimazio Mongillo. Professor of Dominican Moral Theology, Holy Angels Institute of Roma. 2-16-69; # 2145-22. “MONDA.”
*Marcello Morgante. Bishop of Ascoli Piceno in East Italy. 7-22-55; # 78-3601. MORMA.”
*Teuzo Natalini. Vice President of the Archives of Secretariat of the Vatican. 6-17-67; # 21-44d. “NATE.”
*Carmelo Nigro. Rector of the Seminary, Pontifical of Major Studies. 12-21-70; # 23-154. “CARNI.”
*Virgillio Noe. Head of the Sacred Congregation of Divine Worship. He and Bugnini paid 5 Protestant Ministers and one Jewish Rabbi to create the Novus Ordo Mass. 4-3-61; # 43652-21. “VINO.”
*Vittorie Palestra. He is Legal Council of the Sacred Rota of the Vatican State. 5-6-43; # 1965. “PAVI.”
*Salvatore Pappalardo. Cardinal. Archbishop of Palermo, Sicily. 4-15-68; # 234-07. “SALPA.”
*Gottardo Pasqualetti. 6-15-60; # 4-231. “COPA.”
*Dante Pasquinelli. Council of Nunzio of Madrid. 1-12-69; # 32-124. “PADA.”
*Michele Pellegrino. Cardinal. Called “Protector of the Church”, Archbishop of Torino (Turin, where the Holy Shroud of Jesus is kept). 5-2-60; # 352-36. “PALMI.”
*Giannino Piana. 9-2-70; # 314-52. “GIPI.”
*Mario Pimpo. Vicar of Office of General Affairs. 3-15-70; # 793-43. “PIMA.”
*Pio Vito Pinto. Monsignor, Attache of Secretary of State and Notare of Second Section of Supreme Tribunal and of Apostolic Signature. 4-2-70; # 3317-42. “PIPIVI.”
*Ugo Poletti. Cardinal. Vicar of S.S. Diocese of Rome. Controls clergy of Rome since 3-6-73. Member of Sacred Congregation of Sacraments and of Divine Worship. He is President of Pontifical Works and Preservation of the Faith. Also President of the Liturgical Academy. 2-17-69; # 32-1425. “UPO.”
*Mario Rizzi. Monsignor, Sacred Congregation of Oriental Rites. Listed as “Prelate Bishop of Honour of the Holy Father, the Pope.” Works under top-Mason Mario Brini in manipulating Canon Law. 9-16-69; # 43-179. “MARI,” “MONMARI.”
*Florenzo Romita. Was in Sacred Congregation of Clergy. 4-21-56; # 52-142. “FIRO.”
*Igine Rogger. Officer in S.S. (Diocese of Rome). 4-16-68; # 319-13. “IGRO.”
*Pietro Rossano. Sacred Congregation of Non-Christian Religions. 2-12-68; # 3421-a. “PIRO.”
*Virgillio Rovela. 6-12-64; # 32-14. “ROVI.”
*Aurelio Sabbatani. Archbishop of Giustiniana (Giusgno, Milar Province, Italy). First Secretary Supreme Apostolic Segnatura. 6-22-69; # 87-43. “ASA”
*Guilio Sacchetti. Delegate of Governors – Marchese. 8-23-59; # 0991-b. “SAGI.”
*Francesco Salerno. Bishop. Prefect Atti. Eccles. 5-4-62; # 0437-1. “SAFRA”
*Francesco Santangelo. Substitute General of Defense Legal Counsel. 11-12-70; # 32-096. “FRASA.”
*Pietro Santini. Vice Official of the Vicar. 8-23-64; # 326-11. “SAPI.”
*Ferdnando Savorelli. 1-14-69; # 004-51. “SAFE.”
*Renzo Savorelli. 6-12-65; # 34-692. “RESA.”
*Gaetano Scanagatta. Sacred Congregation of the Clergy. Member of Commission of Pomei and Loreto, Italy. 9-23-71; # 42-023. “GASCA.”
*Giovanni Schasching. 3-18-65; # 6374-23. “GISCHA,” “GESUITA.”
*Mario Schierano. Titular Bishop of Acrida (Acri in Cosenza Province, Italy.) Chief Military Chaplain of the Italian Armed Forces. 7-3-59; #14-3641. “MASCHI.”
*Domenico Semproni. Tribunal of the Vicarate of the Vatican. 4-16-60; # 00-12. “DOSE.” Sensi, Giuseppe Mario. Titular Archbishop of Sardi (Asia Minor near Smyrna). Papal Nunzio to Portugal. 11-2-67; # 18911-47. “GIMASE.”
*Luigi Sposito. Pontifical Commission for the Archives of the Church in Italy. Head Administrator of the Apostolic Seat of the Vatican.
*Leo Suenens. Cardinal. Title: Protector of the Church of St. Peter in Chains, outside Rome. Promotes Protestant Pentecostalism (Charismatics). Changed much Church dogma when he worked in 3 Sacred Congregations: 1) Propagation of the Faith; 2) Rites and Ceremonies in the Liturgy; 3) Seminaries. 6-15-67; # 21-64. “LESU.”
*Dino Trabalzini. Bishop of Rieti (Reate, Peruga, Italy). Auxiliary Bishop of Southern Rome. 2-6-65; # 61-956. “TRADI.”
*Antonio Travia. Titular Archbishop of Termini Imerese. Head of Catholic schools. 9-15-67; # 16-141. “ATRA.”
*Vittorio Trocchi. Secretary for Catholic Laity in Consistory of the Vatican State Consultations. 7-12-62; # 3-896. “TROVI.”
*Roberto Tucci. Director General of Vatican Radio. 6-21-57; # 42-58. “TURO.”
*David Turoldo. 6-9-67; # 191-44. “DATU.”
*Georgio Vale. Priest. Official of Rome Diocese. 2-21-71; # 21-328. “VAGI.”
*Piero Vergari. Head Protocol Officer of the Vatican Office Segnatura. 12-14-70; # 3241-6. “PIVE.”
*Jean Villot. Cardinal. Secretary of State during Pope Paul VI. He is Camerlengo (Treasurer). “JEANNI,” “ZURIGO.”
*Lino Zanini. Titular Archbishop of Adrianopoli, which is Andrianopolis, Turkey. Apostolic Nuncio. Member of the Revered Fabric of St. Peter’s Basilica.
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