Was the Real Sister Lucy of Fatima Living in 1960? The Press Release from February 1960 Says YES, Simple Logic Says NO.

The Vatican’s #1 Reason for Not Disclosing the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960:

At Sister Lucy Truth, we’ve endeavored to scientifically and methodically prove that the woman who appeared before the world in 1967 as “Sister Lucy” was not the actual seer of Fatima. During the course of this study, the question of “why” constantly arises. Why would enemies of the Church go to the trouble of putting an imposter into place? 

One answer: To justify the decision not to release the Third Secret of Fatima in 1960. 

The entire world waited on edge as 1960 approached knowing that 1960 represented the disclosure of the last part of the Message of Fatima, the so-called Third Secret of Fatima. Yet, on February 8, 1960, in a bewildering turn of events, a Portuguese news agency, A.N.I., issued a press release, reproduced in its entirety below, stating that “Vatican sources…in very reliable Vatican circles” advised that the Third Secret most likely “will never be opened.” 

Interestingly, A.N.I. recounted that the “decision of the Vatican is based on various reasons. 1. Sister Lucy is still living. 2. The Vatican already knows the contents of the letter. 3. Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions, she does not pledge herself to guarantee the veracity of the words which the three little shepherds claim to have heard from Our Lady. In these, circumstances, it is most probable that the Secret of Fatima will remain, forever, under absolute seal.”

On its face, using the justification that “Sister Lucy is still living” as the first cited reason for nondisclosure is strange. It was well known that 1960 was the year to release the Secret—many reliable sources reported this fact. For example, Canon Galamba wrote that the Secret “will be opened either after the see’s death or at the latest in 1960.”  There was no evidence that absence of Sister Lucy’s death somehow extended the period of time to disclose the Secret. 

However, the benefit of hindsight and results of the Sister Lucy Truth investigation cast a new light upon this suspicious statement. A decision to not release the Third Secret would have massive ramifications and even a revolt of sorts within the Church. Therefore, here, we see the first time—and certainly not the last—where the Vatican would thrust the personage of Sister Lucy forward and say, “See! She’s alive and well and tacitly approves of what we choose to do. If you disagree, then you disagree with the messenger of Heaven!” 

Using “Sister Lucy” as a human shield to deflect the forthcoming barbs indicates that those in the Vatican must have had a high degree of certitude their “still living” “Sister Lucy” would not speak against their complete twisting of the 1960 timeframe. Yet, this confidence would seem misplaced given the fact that Sister Lucy’s  recent, explosive December 26, 1957 interview with Fr. Fuentes demonstrated that the real Sister Lucy spoke freely and with complete urgency about the state of the world and the need for souls to heed the warnings of Fatima. Consequently, it would certainly seem that something significant changed since the time of the Fr. Fuentes interview. 

Could it be that the Sister Lucy was, in fact, no longer “still living”?

Yes, ironically, this “#1 reason—Sister Lucy is still living” justification not to disclose the Third Secret may be, in reality, a clear indication that the real Sister Lucy was certainly dead by the time of the  February 8, 1960 press release. If this is true, then the Fraud in Fatima began sometime between December 26, 1957 and February 8, 1960. Piece by piece we will continue to solve this mystery and will not stop until this crime against the faith is fully laid bare!

The text below is from The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. III by Frere Michel of the Holy Trinity. 


  1. The way I read the 1960 news report, the Vatican's claim that Sr. Lucy was still alive at that time was in order to give a charitable spin on their reason for refusing to release the Third Secret. You see, if the Vatican could not "pledge herself to guarantee the veracity of the words which the three little shepherds claim to have heard from Our Lady", then it follows that that Third Secret letter contains erroneous elements, probably including false prophecies. By refusing to release the letter, the Vatican was sparing poor little Sr. Lucy much embarrassment. They further establish their charity by adding that most probably the erroneous Third Secret would be kept forever under seal, thus sparing Sr. Lucy's reputation forevermore. How kind of them!

    1. It's not only kind. It's Precious. How charitable. Alternatively, those who accept that explanation are either delusional or evidencing their proclivity of being mislead by 100% pure Vatican bovine scatology.


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