This Recently Released Video from the Vatican, Demonstrates that the Fake Sister Lucy IS THE GREATEST FRAUD IN THE HISTORY OF THE Catholic Church. Period.

Here are the lies and distortions that I have found so far in this video. I will underline those directly involved in perpetrating this LIE. Lies will be in black and the truth will be in red.

a) Cardinal Bertone says that he was sent by "St." John Paul II to "Sister Lucy" to "authenticate" the contents of the Third Secret. He was, rather, sent in order to get the do what Sister Lucy the Fake was intended to do all along, "authenticate" a Third Secret that was not the real Third Secret.

b) John Paul II released the "Third Secret" in 2000 in order to stop the "apocalyptic interpretations" that were spreading. JPII wanted to put to rest for ever the expectation of the faithful that the Third Secret contained an indictment of the crimes of the Modernists against the Church of God. He also wanted to eliminate the idea that the world was on the downward slope rather than perpetually on the upward swing as the Left would have it. JPII, the "Marian Pope," intentionally distorted Our Lady's Message and got the Fake Sister Lucy to give this new "Secret" her seal of approval.

c) Cardinal Bertone met for the "third and final time" with "Sister Lucy" in 2003. I am sure that the Cardinal NEVER met with the real Sister Lucy. Certain.

d) John Paul II "consecrated" Russia without mentioning Russia. He did so within an ecumenical context. You cannot consecrate something without identifying what you are consecrating. John Paul II did not consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Why would he? As "Sister Lucy" said in a 1992 interview with Carlos Evaristo, Our Lady only wanted a conversion to a Liberal System in which everyone could chose to follow whatever religion they wanted to or no religion. I guess the whole world was praying for Gorbachev for some 70 years!

e) He tells the truth. JPII did not name Russia because he did not want to indicate that the Russian Orthodox needed to be converted. But, Pius XII did name Russia in a letter of consecration in the 1940s and in a public act of consecration. Probably, Pope Pius XII actually wanted the Orthodox to convert to the Catholic Faith so that they could inherit eternal life by rejecting their Schismatic State.

f) "Sister Lucy" said in 2000 that the "consecration" done by JPII of the "entire human family of the contemporary world," was "as Our Lady requested" Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima said no such thing. She would not have ever said that the following formula, exuding the heresy of universal salvation, would fulfill the request that Our Lady made in 1917 and 1929. 

I have only been able to comment on 8 minutes of this video so far. More tomorrow.


  1. The Most Holy Family Monastery ( was contacted years ago by a lady whose family had ties with Masonry. As a child she heard in a family discussion that "Sister Lucy was killed". She innocently asked if she had a sister named Lucy. "No" she was told. "Its a nun". This is how I remember the MHFM piece but you can contact the monastery for the exact details if you are interested.

  2. (Church Militant 9th June)
    News of the Vatican's massive financial scandal broke in October 2019. Church Militant reported that some $200 million was allegedly misappropriated from Peter's Pence to purchase a 56,000-square foot former warehouse in the upscale district of London. An additional $250 million also came from the Pope's charitable fund to be spent on fraudulent legal firms set up to cover the purchase of the London property.

    Leaked documents that month revealed the $250 million was originally invested in Falcon Oil, before being redirected into the Chelsea property. Former Secretariat of State Cdl. Tarcisio Bertone approved this transaction, according to the documents
    Bertone huh?

  3. Why waste time on known heretics and heresy?


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