Breaking: World-Record Forensic Artist Reports that THERE WAS ONLY ONE SUBSTITUTE SISTER LUCY FROM 1967 ON. Full Forensic Report to be Published Soon.

1967 and 1997
Same Face. Same Fraud.


  1. Isn't the "Sr Lucia" on the cover of the early edition(s) of Fatima in Lucia's Own Words different than the other impostor?

  2. Dr Chojnowski, I think it would be good if you could collaborate with Stephen Hartigan who did "Papal Impostors" and do a revised and updated version of the documentary, also including, besides your findings, the info contained in Gary Giufree's "Grave Reasons of State" and other information that has come to light.

    I heard your excellent 2 part talk on youtube, and wasn't aware before that Montini was involved in Lucia's move to the Carmelites, indicating the move may have been strongly suggested or ordered by Montini and others like him in the Vatican as a preparation for her removal from the public, if not removal from this world in the late 1950s.

    May Our Lady and the holy angels protect you from any "accident" as you continue to be a thorn in the side of very sinister and powerful forces who don't want your work to be known.


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