Is Francis Right? Must Traditionalists, Conservatives, and People of Common Sense Undergo a Paradigm Shift? We do. But NOT the one that Francis wants Us to Make.

Dr. Chojnowski: In this AP article, linked above, we read that Francis has called on Catholics to make a "paradigm" shift: 

Francis issued a stark reality check to the men in the Sala Clementina of the Apostolic Palace, acknowledging that Christianity no longer holds the commanding presence and influence in society that it once did. 
He cited the late Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, a leader of the progressive wing of the Catholic Church, who in his final interview before dying in 2012 lamented that the church found itself “200 years behind” because of its inbred fear of change.
“Today we are no longer the only ones that produce culture, no longer the first nor the most listened to,” Francis told the prelates. “The faith in Europe and in much of the West is no longer an obvious presumption but is often denied, derided, marginalized and ridiculed.”
As a result, he urged the Catholic hierarchy to embrace the necessary pastoral reforms and outlook that will make the church attractive so that it can fulfill its mission to spread the faith.
“Here we have to beware of the temptation of assuming a rigid outlook,” Francis said. “Rigidity that is born from fear of change and ends up disseminating stakes and obstacles in the ground of the common good, turning it into a minefield of misunderstanding and hatred.”

Dr. Chojnowski: Here we have a clear announcement of the apostasy and complete secularization of Europe and the Western world. Correct. However, the question is as follows, who should follow this judgment: the call of Francis to change the faith, the morality, and the outlook of the Church so that it will become "attractive" to the contemporary world or do we adopt the position of the "traditionalists" who insist that the Church needs to "rigidly" keep to the same faith, the same morals, and the same view of reality, revelation, and salvation. Here, Francis the Apostate --- who suddenly cares about "spreading the faith" ---- makes an ad hominem swipe at "traditionalists" (i.e., real orthodox Catholics) by saying that they are psychologically imbalanced. 

He recalled, as he has in the past, that people who take rigid positions are usually using them to mask their own problems, scandals or “imbalances.”
“Rigidity and imbalance fuel one another in a vicious circle,” he said. “And these days, the temptation to rigidity has become so apparent.” 

Dr. Chojnowski: I agree that "traditional Catholics" need to undergo a paradigm shift. For too long we have thought that the few similar aspects of the Counterfeit Conciliar Church means that we can everything to have changed in a minor way, but can be brought to "conservative" values, at least to a "respectful" worship that can anesthetize one to the total loss of the Catholic Faith in the world around us and PERHAPS a substantial distortion of the Catholic Faith by those who are trying to "defend" it.  I believe that we should look at things as "starkly" as Francis urges us to and then say, we must smash this paradigm and begin a new one in which the cold hard facts of the evil and apostasy promulgated by the Conciliar Church is done away with. Our new paradigm should understand the apostasy and the substitution to have extended to the doctrine of the Church, the sacraments, the morals of the Catholic Church and their substitution of the seer of Fatima. Wake up! Smash the old paradigm, assume the falsification, and then begin to think of ways of battling for the Faith. No, we are not the one's who are "imbalanced," but rather, it is you, Francis, who is endless shouting the platitudes of the 1960s.


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