"US-Friendly" Contact Within the Vatican Indicated Right After the Death of Pope Pius XII that US Governmental Authorities Must Use the American Cardinals to Prevent the Election of Cardinals Siri, Ottaviani, or Ruffini. The US Government Clearly Saw the Election of a Real Catholic to the Papal Throne in 1958 to be a Threat. Is there No Logical Connection between THIS Telegram and the Strange events of October 26,27, and 28th 1958 within the Sistine Chapel?
Here are the list of the 53 Cardinals who met in Rome for the Conclave in Rome in October 1958. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_electors_for_the_1958_papal_conclave Dr. Chojnowski: This telegraph from Ambassador Zellerbach (US ambassador to Italy) and the Secretary of State of the United States under the Eisenhower administration, John Foster Dulles is a clear path mark indicating to us what we should be looking for as regards the happenings in the 1958 papal conclave that met from October 25-28, exactly 2 weeks after this telegram to the US Secretary of State was written and sent. What do we read in this telegram and why does it matter in our investigation into the fate of Sister Lucy dos Santos of Fatima? We do not, as of yet, have a smoking gun telegram, but this one is clearly a picture of a double-barrel shot gun loaded, locked, safety off, aimed, and finger on the trigger communication. The US government seems an imminent "threat" and it is...
Poor Carlos, and fellow travellers!
ReplyDeleteInstead of 'bristling', they should have been listening when Fr Gruner said that "it was not the Fatima seer we had seen, but rather an imposter". It is too bad that Fr Gruner was not able to further expose the "imposter" on a scientific, as well as theological, basis.
To what avail was it for Evaristo, who in spite of (as he says in the video) knowing that the neo-Fatima seer "contradicted" the traditional corpus of Fatima prophecy, to reflexively jettison that well-aged and founded tradition from the real Sister Lucy, for him to flip and fawn at the shoulder of this Julie-come-lately-- no matter how egregiously untoward were her aberrant utterances, and not to wonder how any true seer of the Queen of Prophets could diametrically and publicly change her mind? Never mind, per Carlos!
"To think truly is noble and to be deceived is base."
Very interesting, thought provoking video!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Evaristo had something in common with the self-styled Fatima experts at the Fatima Center (and their satellites). Both sides believed, or pretended to believe, that the 1967 "Sister Lucy" was the real one. The main difference between both sides was that the "experts" at the Fatima Center believed Lucy was real under one condition: when she said the Consecration still had to be done.
We have the 1997 edition of the book, "Fatima Priest". The author's account regarding the infamous meeting between the fake Sister Lucy, Evaristo, Cardinal Padiyara, Archbishop Michaelappa, and Fr. Pacheco was extremely suspicious. Fr. Pacheco was the only other Portuguese-speaking person in the meeting, besides Evaristo, yet the book never mentions Fr. Pacheco's account of what the Fake Sister Lucy did actually say. It was strangely quiet about it.
Fr. Pacheco went on record (in the book), stating that Evaristo's story was "notorious", full of "gross lies" and "inventions". After performing such a character assassination, Fr. Pacheco needed to follow up with the truth and state what "Sr. Lucy" actually did say regarding the Consecration. He did not. (At least not in the book.) One would think it was an unbelievably gross oversight by Fr. Gruner and his friends.
But it was not an unintentional failure on the part of "Our Lady of Fatima's friends". It appears they were intentionally covering up the truth. In the above video, Evaristo claims Fr. Pacheco received a substantial payoff to tell lies in statements regarding the "Sister Lucy" interview. According to Evaristo, the unfortunate Fr. Pacheco was later killed in the slums of Brazil when robbers discovered he had come into a large sum of money.
Evaristo also claims that he himself was bribed maligned, defamed, and physically attacked by those associated with Fr. Gruner, because Evaristo refused to alter, censor or keep quiet regarding the "Sister Lucy" interview. He says he filed and won twelve lawsuits in Portugal for defamation in articles written about him by "Our Lady of Fatima's friends".
In the end, Evaristo was vindicated. He may have been fooled into believing that Sister Lucy II was authentic. But now we know he was not the one who was telling lies. The fake Sister Lucy wouldn't have accepted him as her official interpreter, had he been the one who was lying.
If Evaristo's account regarding the criminal tactics used by "Our Lady of Fatima's friends" is true, it makes one's blood run cold!
Why did it take the Pope's so long to make the Consecration, it it was a simple ceremony and Russia did not need to be named.?. Society is becoming more Godless with every passing day, up to 1 billion abortions, desecrations in Churches, cultural Marxism , the removal of God from society. Where is the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in all this.
ReplyDeleteWhy did it take the Pope's so long to make the Consecration, it it was a simple ceremony and Russia did not need to be named.?. Society is becoming more Godless with every passing day, up to 1 billion abortions, desecrations in Churches, cultural Marxism , the removal of God from society. Where is the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in all this.
ReplyDeleteThe above video is explosive!
ReplyDeleteIf Evaristo's account is true, then the Fatima Center and their satellites had plenty of funds to bribe and intimidate people into silence regarding the infamous Evaristo and Lucy II interview.
One commenter on a previous post suggested Fr. Gruner didn't have the funds for a Lucy Truth investigation of his own. (Really?) Fr. Gruner was constantly soliciting supporters for money, always claiming "Our Lady" was in "urgent" need of help "more than ever". He also urged the more scrupulous supporters to make a solemn "promise" to Our Lady to send monthly donations to help her cause. But it was never enough.
The monthly donors were often persuaded to send additional funds for other "urgent" projects, which were always on the go. Fr. Gruner had plenty of funds.
So, why don't his friends at the Fatima Center and elsewhere support Sr. Lucy Truth, in light of the overwhelming scientific facts? It looks as if they don't care about the truth. Let's be glad and give thanks they are not on Dr. Chojnowski's side, with their questionable reputation and all. Who needs them anyway?