Pre-Pachamama: Lest we think that the Abomination of Pachamama Worship is Something New, Let us Remember 3 Church Desecrations that were Preformed by "St. Paul VI," Cardinal Suenens, and the Archbishop of Rheims some 45 to 50 years ago. No one Stopped it then and No one is Stopping it now.

Cardinal Suenens: Guiding Force at Vatican II and Sacrilegious Freemason

Dr. Chojnowski: Before returning the rare find of a book, Piers Compton, The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican (Jersey, Great Britain: Neville Spearman, 1983) pp. 130-135, I would like to give the readers of this blog a little taste of what the book gives an account of with regard to "liturgies" that were being staged by top level "churchmen" during the years 1970-1975. This will be useful to us so that we do not become surprised at every new sacrilege that unfolds as a result of the take-over of the institutional organization of the Catholic Church by its enemies in October 1958. Here is the text, the significance is self-explanatory. I will try to mitigate the vulgarity present in the account --- a vulgarity, by the way, that the "highest churchmen in the Roman Catholic Church" did not see need to mitigate:

"On a Friday in early December, 1974, the coronation church of France, Rheims Cathedral, was given over to a horde of hippies and lay-about for one of their all-night sessions. The Archbishop and the clergy, who had obligingly provided the setting, may have noted, with a feeling of envy, as the prematurely aged youth of the district poured in, that they far exceeded in number those who were seen at High Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. 
      Cacophony was provided by the Tangerine Orange Group and when the mixed congregation grew tied of waving their arms and shuffling in time to the uproar, they settled down to an orgy of drugs and hashish smoking.  
      Where this affair became known, angry parishioners demanded that the Cathedral, which occupies a special place in history, should undergo a service of purification. 
      But their protests were waved aside by Fr. Bernard Goreau, who held the always questionable post of 'cultural attitude' of the archdiocese. He agreed the the dancers and smokers had been left to their own devices for hours in the Gothic darkness. 'But,' he added, 'things might have been worse.'
      Indeed they might. We are told that they only urinated and copulated on the stone floor....over which the Kings of old France had passed on their way to their anointing, and where Joan of Arc, holding her blazon, had stood like a soldier home from the war....
      Even Rome was not immune from the sacrilegious paradise that followed the new religious freedom, the upcoming of the windows of the Church. The scene of one, in 1975, was the classroom of a Roman covent. Pope Paul was present, but the star turn was provided by Fred Ladenius, a gentleman from the Middle West who had acquired celebrity through appearing on Belgian television....Fred set about his task right manfully, stripping off his jacket and giving voice to almost incoherent ravings for which, he said, he was in no way responsible. What they heard were some of the truths he had received that very morning, from the Lord's mouth. For the Lord spoke and prophesied through him. Fred accompanied these revelations by flinging his arms so violently that he broke into a sweat. But he was by no means exhausted. He rolled up his shirt-sleeves and invited all those who wished to receive the Lord to come up 'rapido.' 
      Fred, though still in a state of undiminished perspiration, waved his hands frantically over the heads of those who accepted the invitation, and accompanied each gesture with a cry of 'Hallelujah!' At the end of these ministrations the school blackboard was moved to make way for a table, on which were placed two chalices, one holding wine, and the other wafers of the kind that are used to celebrate Mass.
      Then everyone fell into line and followed the example of Fred, who worked out a wafer and dipped it in the wine before transferring it to his mouth. The meeting broke up amid more the loudest cries of 'Hallelujah!' in which the Pope joined, and with further manifestations that the spirit was indeed moving amongst them.
      Fred was daily rewarded by being sent for by the Pope, who thanked him warmly for all the good work he was doing for the Church. Fred stayed on in Rome, where he acted for a time as the Vicar of Christ's Press Secretary....
      Those who attended High Mass on St. Peter's on May 19, 1975, half-way through Holy Year, in expectations f those spiritual advantages, were in no way disappointed. They numbered some 10,000. Cardinal Suenens officiated at the high altar. POPE PAUL was present. Five hundred priests were ranged about them. This is how an experienced Catholic journalist described what happened when the time came to receive Holy Communion. 
      It was not uncommon to see what one first thought of as white petals being scattered among the congregation. Only when I could push my way nearer did I realize that they were handfuls of consecrated Hosts, that the Cardinal's hench-priests were scattering among the crowd....They fell on the shoulders of men, on the dyed and coverless heads of women, and as was inevitable, not a few fell on the ground and were trampled upon by the crowd....Tape recorders were held high above the assembly, that was fast being galvanized into a state of excitement. Suddenly a voice boomed out through a microphone placed near the altar that God was not only present but was now, in fact, actually speaking, albeit in a strong and nasal American ascent --- one wonders whether the ubiquitous Fred was in action again.
      Then Pope Paul took up the. running. He gathered up handfuls of Hosts, pressed them upon people whose mouths were already full of the consecrated species, so that they could only free their hands by passing the Hosts on to others, who either crumpled them up or dropped them on the floor. The Pope, beginning to give an address, had to raise his voice in order to be heard above the growing turmoil, to which he added by exclaiming a further anachronistic 'Hallelujah!' and flinging up his arms.
      By now some of the people were dancing. Others squared or huddled on the floor among the trodden fragments of what, those same people had been taught, was the body of Christ. They swayed in time to a low moaning, in expression of the ecstasy inspired by the occasion, that grew in volume until it filled the basilica.  Still in the same year [1975], a visitor to the church of St. Ignatius, in the street the bears the name of the founder of the Jesuits, in Rome, would have noticed that a heavy curtain was covering the main altar. Moreover, the seats had been turned round, as though to indicate that those who attended the service did not wish to be reminded of the lapis lazuli urn containing the relics of St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
      A battery of microphones and loud-speakers was in evidence, and through one of these the voice of an Irish-American Jesuit. Fr.  Francis Sullivan, was heard announcing, in the approved style of a follower of General Booth, that they had come together in order to praise the Lord. He went on to hammer home the fat that religion was in a state of flux, that everything was changing, and that it was a waste of time to take a nostalgic look bak at things that used to be believed. His statements met with the smiling approval of Cardinal Suenens, who could always be relied on to patronize 'way out' effusions. 
      By now the Romans were getting used to having their faith supervised by oracles from the United States, and they listened attentively when a second voice, from the same place of origin as Fr. Sullivan's, exhorted them to love one another. People who were packing the church, thus encouraged, began to use their eyes, exchange looks, and to sidle alongside the person of their choice. Did they imagine, the voice went on, that the gift of live was a privilege intended for the early Church only? Of course it wasn't?
      With that, cries of agreement nearly split the roof, and couples fell into each other's arms, sprawling on the floor, arms and legs flailing, fingers and mouths giving vent to a passion that was no longer fearsomely restrained by their surroundings, but which could now find expression in a freedom again to that known to lovers in a ditch. Those who were barred, by age or infirmity from taking part in the spectacle, savored it with a lickerish look, or danced a few steps, or sang the praises of Host whose house they had turned into a Bedlum. Hallelujah! God was good, and all this showed that churchgoing could now be a joyous event....
      For this sake of providing a still more startling climax, let us look back to the year 1970, when a Progressive Theological Congress was held in a Franciscan church in Brussels. The principle subject discussed, in his flat contradiction of the Congress' program as indicated by its title was sex and it was expounded to an almost exclusively youthful gathering.
      It was rightly anticipated, because of the theme, that Cardinal Suenens would be present, apart from which, as Primate of Belgium, he was on his home ground. 
      The Congress opened with the entry of girls, dressed in white and, as they twisted this way and that, waving cords and bits of broken chain to show that they were free. In an interval after the dancing, pieces of bread and glasses of wine were passed round, followed by grapes and cigarettes. Then, just as the young conference members thought all was over, their eyes were drawn towards the altar from which something was beginning to rise and to take on an unbelievable shape.
      It was at first greeted with gasps, then giggles, and finally pandemonium broke loose as the transparent plastic forming the shape was seen to represent a gigantic [male organ]. The delegations screamed themselves hoarse, feeling that ti was a challenge to --- a recognition of ---- their virility. It was the sort of climax that had never been imagined and might only figure in the most extravagant bawdy dreams. the presence of the Cardinal gave a permissive glamour to a setting that they would never again regard with awe....[Why would Paul VI and Cardinal Suenens participate in events and activities like the ones mentioned above?] There is one explanation. NEITHER OF THOSE NAMED, WHILE WEARING THE ROBES, VESTMENTS, AND ALL THE OUTWARD SIGNS OF CATHOLIC PRELACY, WERE CHRISTIAN MEN. THEY HAD PASSED, BY PREPARATORY STEPS, INTO THE HIGHEST ECHELON OF OCCULT UNDERSTANDING. THEY HAD BEEN TUTORED, SIGNED FOR, AND GUARANTEED BY THE MASTERS OF WISDOM IN ONE OF THE FOREMOST TEMPLES WHERE ATAVISTIC RITES, ALL WITH SEXUAL UNDERTONES, TAKE THE PLACE OF RELIGION." 


  1. Great article. Thanks for the reminders. How soon we forget...what most "Catholics" didn't then and don't now even know. The Modernist heretics takeover of the Church at Vatican 2 was successful because, among other things, they knew and understood the laity mindset at the time....."Pray, Pay & Obey". Satan used that as the basis for "disobedience in the name of obedience" Multi Century old habits die hard. It's warped into recognize and resist which seems like a Protestant attitude of pick and choose. The deformation and devolvement to the Apostasy of Pachamama is natural. I believe when the real Sister Lucy was silenced and switched for an imposter, the chastisement of the humm RCC began in earnest and has been downward ever since then.



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