"Facts are Stubborn Things" --- John Adams. New Experts Page and New Look for Sister Lucy Truth Shows Movement from Obscurity and Uncertainty to Hard Objective Empirical Facts.
"Facts are Stubborn Things" Applies to the"Boston Massacre" and to the Case of Sister Lucy of Fatima.
These words were spoken by the young attorney John Adams, when he was defending, as their lawyer, the British soldiers which the jury ruled acted in self-defense against a mob, organized by Sam Adams. So too, the case of Sister Lucy of Fatima has ---- BY FORCE OF FACTS --- moved from the obscurity of covert crime to an initial state of uncertainty and opaqueness to the clear light of day with an avalanche of empirical facts. Excuse the mixed metaphor! We at Sister Lucy Truth wanted an investigation into the truth concerning the life of Sister Lucy of Fatima based upon the latest in technology and analysis by professionals at the top of their respective professions. We wanted scientific analysis free of any type of theological bias. We have succeeded so far in this endeavor. Read the reports and the analysis. There is much more to come.
Read our new Experts page:
See the New Look of sisterlucyimposter.org
The expert analyses are simply breathtaking. (Thank you for all the hard work.)