Emails this Morning Confirm that the Story of the Imposter Sister Lucy is Going Viral in 2020. MSM is About to Tell the World About the Fraud.


  1. The reason why the semi-trad media is not picking this up is because the ones promoting the consecration have staked everything on the "pope" doing it. Another reason is that Dr. Chojnowski is not part of their group. The common denominator among the semi-trads is their belief that Bergoglio, an anti-Catholic apostate, is the Vicar of Christ.

    Dr. Chojnowski does not fit in this group; therefore he is persona non grata. Could there be a jealousy somehow and a bias against his work?

    1. The truth would mean giving up their way of life. All the false doctrine that allows non-catholic means and ways.

    2. That shouldn't be. It shouldn't matter what Dr. Chojnowski believes. If he can prove there were two Sr. Lucy's, they ought to be grateful to him.
      But this doesn't surprise me. Unity is something that we value little yet it is the most effective tool we have in fighting our common enemy. However, keeping everyone compartmentalized and apart is helpful to those whose goal is complete destruction of everything, and they've done their job well in doing so.

    3. Absolutely, there should be jealousy involved. The conclusions of Dr. Chojnowski's investigation are monumental. In contrast, the accomplishments of the semi-trads amount to years of tweaking and perfecting the balance between recognizing and resisting. It can't be overlooked that they never lifted a finger to help Dr. Chojnowski with bringing the extraordinary Sister Lucy Truth to light.

      If the facts do go mainstream, it would serve to wake up a larger audience to the kind of stupefying deceptions that have incredibly been pulled off for decades by the anti-Catholic "clergy; i.e., the same "clergy" that the semi-trad crusaders fight tooth and nail to defend as true leaders of the Catholic Church.

      The Remnant, Fatima Centre, Catholic Family News, etc. need to be fearful should the facts be exposed by the MSM, because this would also emphasize the treachery of all those who chose to side with the deceivers, rather than be truthful as all faithful sons of God must be.

  2. This is great news. But I don't understand this sentence: "The reason why the semi-trad media is not picking this up is because the ones promoting the consecration have staked everything on the "pope" doing it.

    What consecration? Is it the consecration of Russia spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima?

  3. Don't forget: about 10 years ago an internet site showed a copy of the death-register in the Carmelite central archives in Rome that showed that Lucia dos Santos (Sister Lucy) DIED in 1949! Someone ought to get to those archives and get a certificate.

    1. I think, recently I have found the answer to this problem. Apparently, Carmelites, when they are fully professed have their death notice published to indicate that they have died to the world. This would make perfect sense, because we know that Sister Lucy was fully professed at that time. We also have photos of and interviews with her in the mid-50s, we think especially of the Fr. Fuentes interview.
      I thank the nun who gave me this information about the Carmelites. As far as we have seen so far, Sister Lucy probably died around 10 years after 1949, while a Carmelite.

  4. What do Semi-Trad Media and RadTradThomist have in common? They all ignore the 3rd Secret of Fatima since it appeared on the web in April 2010!

    1. What appeared on the web is a false secret. There's no such thing because what's been revealed on the third secret was the vision that was released in the year 2000. Anything else you see on the internet and elsewhere is a figment of someone's imagination (i.e. what they think it should be). One should only deal with facts.


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