"Calls" Part 5: According to "Sister Lucy," Paul VI, Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, and the Rosary are a Seamless Garment. From this, Couldn't we figure out that the "Third Secret" issued by the Vatican in 2000 was NOT going to be about the Apostasy in the Church, beginning at Vatican II?

Thank you, Holy Father for promulgating the Heresies of Vatican II, Saying the United Nations is the Last Hope For Mankind, Making the Mass Unrecognizable, and Speaking to me for 3 minutes even though it was the 50th Anniversary of the Apparitions at Fatima. Our Lady, Our Lord, the Holy Trinity (Tuy) appeared to me, Hell was shown to me and Heaven promised, I saw and even was the one who foretold the Greatest Public Miracle since the Resurrection but this is all about YOU Holy Father! You and your great reform. Is Mons. Bugnini here?

"Sister Lucy" situates the devotion to the Rosary amidst the documents of Vatican II by writing, on pp. 268-269, "His Holiness Paul VI, after the last voting session of the Council Fathers on November 21, 1964, promulgated the dogmatic contribution "Lumen Gentium" on the Church. In it we read: "The sacred synod teaches this Catholic doctrine (the devotion offered by the Church to the Blessed Virgin) advisedly, and at the same time admonishes al the sons of the Church that the cult, especially the liturgical cult, of the Blessed Virgin, be generously fostered, and that the practices and exercises of devotion towards her, recommended by the teaching authority of the Church in the course of centuries, be highly esteemed, and the those decrees, which were given in the early days regarding the cult of the images of Christ, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints, be religiously observed."(Lumen Gentium, 67). What exactly happened to, "In Portugal the Dogma of the Faith will always be preserved, etc." Seems like the Dogma of the Faith is being preserved everywhere, "Sister Lucy," whoever you are. 

This book ends in the following way, fully testifying to her assertion that she is the author of this text. 
"25th March, 1997. With the help of God and in order to carry out his will, I have today finished this humble work of explaining and interpreting the appeals of the Message of Fatima. I place it in the pure hands of Mary, for Her to present to the Lord, begging Him to make use of it for his glory, and for the good of souls and his Church."


  1. Yes! May Our Blessed Mother beg Our Lord to make use of it for His glory and for the good of souls and His Church! Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!


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