"Calls" From the Message of Fatima: "Sister Lucy's" Words are Clear and Evident Testimony to An Imposter. Vatican Approved!

Does this woman look 93?
Just Makes You Sick, Really. Making Money Using a False  Identity. Does the woman in the photo look like she is 93 years old?

Dr. Chojnowski: I have gotten hold of the book, "Calls" From the Message of Fatima by "Sister Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart," trans. Sisters of Mosteiro de Santa Maria and Convento de N.S. do Bom Sucesso (Lisbon: Secretariado dos Pastorinhos, 2000). 

It is advertised as being "Authorized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Rome. It is copyrighted by the Coimbra Carmel and by the Fatima Shrine. The first two paragraphs of the preliminary note of the book contains the following, "The author of this work is Sister Lucia (Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart to give her full religious name)....I wish to assure readers of this book that it was her idea and was written by her....Finding herself inundated with constantly repeated questions concerning the apparitions and the visionaries, the message they received and the reason for some of the requests contained in that message, and feeling that it was beyond her to reply individually to each questioner, Sister Lucia asked the Holy See for permission to write a text in which she could reply in general to the many questions that have been put to her. This permission was granted, hence the present work entitled in English: 'Calls from the Message of Fatima." The work is, in effect, a long letter, written entirely by Sister Lucia and addressed by her to all those who have written to her concerning their doubts, questions, and difficulties, and their desire for greater fidelity in living up to what was asked for from Heaven in the Cova da Iria (p. 3). 

The preliminary note was written by Bishop Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva of Leiria-Fatima.

"On May 13, 1983, a year after the attempt on his life in St. Peter's Square, Pope John Paul II came as a pilgrim to Fatima....These words of the pilgrim Pope who has spread the message of the Virgin Mary in Fatima throughout the world with such energy and authority, are the key to interpreting the book which Lucia has given to us....in it we find the mature and full synthesis of the message Sister Lucia received from the Mother of God....the publication of Lucia's book, the fruit of prolonged meditation, and bearing the date of March 25, 1997, provides what we might call her authorized explanation of the whole of the Fatima message.....Lucia's book is, in a sense, the seer's spiritual testament, and was written especially for all who asked her for an authoritative interpretation of the message of Fatima."

"[Sister Lucia] refers back with conviction to the Magisterium of the Church in our own day; to which she has always been faithful in her religious life and in her serene and trusting obedience to the Pope and to the Holy See, even in all that she says concerning the phenomenon and message of Fatima."

Dr. Chojnowski: Here we find a Sister Lucy Truth goldmine. Here is a text, from 1997, which has every official stamp of approval that can be imagined for a Fatima related book. 

1) It says that it was written by "Sister Lucy" (i.e., Sister Lucy II) and is her "spiritual testament" and her "authoritative interpretation of the message of Fatima."

2) It is "authorized" by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This congregation was headed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger

3) It was copyrighted by the Coimbra Convent and the Fatima Shrine.

4) "Sister Lucy" asked permission of the Holy See, headed by John Paul II, to write this book.

5) The preliminary note to this book is written by the bishop of Leiria-Fatiman, Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva.
6) We are assured that this is the authorized version of the entire Fatima Message.

7) Finally, we are comforted that "Sister Lucy" "refers back" WITH CONVICTION to the Magisterium of "our own day" in making any judgments on the Message of Fatima, and she has obeyed "the Pope and the Holy See" with regard to "the phenomenon and message of Fatima." 

So, if we are to find a variance between the testimony of the woman who we now know to be Sister Lucy II, as compared to the testimony and the account of the real Sister Lucy of Fatima (Sister Lucy I), it should be found here. As we go through the "Calls" text, we will publish what we find here. 


  1. God sends his holy mother from Heaven to give us a message and the "Congregation for the Doctrine of The Faith" (please note well my inverted commas) lie about it? If that is the case, there is more than one "impostor" working on this, which comes as no surprise to most of us. How many impostors in the CDF? How many impostors in the other Roman Congregations? [Will the SSPX and Resistance still implement the oath to say that Francis is the Pope for their priests being ordained? It is a mortal sin to take a false oath. How many reading this would say that "Pope Francis" is not an impostor?] I haven't heard him complaining about the statue of Moloch that has now been put in the Colosseum.

  2. The coverup is finally crashing down. Thank God for your efforts, Dr Chojnowski, and the efforts of people cooperating with you in completing this holy task.


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