Why Did We Not See this 25 Years Ago? Imposter Sister Lucy and a Facilitator of the Fake Fatima Message Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE. If this Person is the Real Sister Lucy, the Fatima Center Might as Well Close Down. Science and Math, however, Have Proven that it Was Not Her.

This Should Have Been Exposed a Generation Ago.

In the interview of October 11th, 1993 between "Sister Lucy" and Carlos Evaristo, we find "Sister Lucy" actually speaking on video tape during the a one hour interview that was broadcast to all the major TV stations in Europe. The interview was conducted, not in Portuguese, but in Galician Spanish. The interview was then spoken about again by Evaristo in a taped program in 1998. Interestingly enough, Evaristo said that the tape was kept for 6 years in "humid conditions" which "accounted for the fuzzy image"] In this interview we find that "Sister Lucy" said the following:

1) Sister Lucy advises the Pope not to Reveal the Third Secret.

2) Consecration of Russia done by John Paul II on March 25, 1984 avoided a Nuclear War in 1985.

3) The Virgin never said that the Holy Father had to say the word "Russia" [during the consecration of Russia]....She said, "He will consecrate Russia to me, which will convert...and there will be peace." But that promised peace, refers to the wars and persecutions that the errors of Atheistic Communism were causing in al the world.

---- Interestingly enough, the video said that Sister Lucy had spent 50 YEARS IN A PAPAL CLOISTER in a covent in Coimbra.

In this interview, "Sister Lucy" wants to "clarify" the Message of Fatima. The Message that Carlos Evaristo considers has been the subject of "incorrect interpretations," over the years. 

4) The Consecration of Russia was accomplished by John Paul II on March 25, 1984.

5) The majority of the bishops participated an the fact that all did not was not relevant to its validity. 


7) The fact that Russia was not referred to by name did not invalidate the consecration.

8) The consecration made by Pius XII, Paul VI, and JPII in 1982, were only partially complete for they lacked the collegial union of the bishops.

9) World War II was a war of atheism, a devil's war, a war also against the Jews who continue to be a Chosen People of God. Since he NEVER TOOK THAT PRIVILEGE AWAY FROM THEM. DESPITE THEIR REJECTION OF CHRIST.

10) "The Conversion of Russia has taken place."

11) Our Lady never said the CONVERSION OF RUSSIA WOULD BE TO CATHOLICISM. NOR TO CHRISTIANITY EVEN. It would be a conversion from militant atheism to that of any country that RESPECTS THE FREE WILL GIVEN TO MEN BY GOD.

12) "The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has already taken place." It began WHEN OUR LADY SAVED POPE JOHN PAUL II'S LIFE in Saint Peter's Square on May 13, 1981. The Triumph is an ongoing process. Peace from the Triumph is peace from the militant spread of atheism by Communist Russia, but that does mean that no world war will take place 

13) The annihilation of nations did not pertain to any physical war or a physical annihilation. 

14) Third Secret was just for the Pope. Sister Lucy was opposed to its public revelation. 

15) Carlos Evaristo insists that, based on what he heard from "Sister Lucy," Our Lady never said that the Secret was to be revealed by 1960. 

16) The meaning of the beginning of the Third Secret was that the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception would always be defended by the Portuguese.

17) What is "Sister Lucy's" great message to the world today? HE WHO IS NOT WITH THE POPE (John Paul II) IS NOT WITH GOD. He (John Paul II --- Pope of Assisi) is God's greatest representative on earth. 

18) The Consecration of Russia brought about a regime of religious liberty in which people could exercise free will, whether they would embrace Catholicism or not.

19) Lucy said that conversion of Russia is not to the Catholic faith but freedom to choose between good and evil. 

Evaristo and Novus Ordo friends insist that the "Sister Lucy" of the two interviews was the same person as the authentic Sister Lucy of Fatima.


  1. How could the triumph of the Immaculate Heart be to save someone like John Paul II who was destroying the Catholic faith in favour of his One World Church? It's a blasphemy.

  2. One must deem such statements untrue, pro-Zionist, pro-Communist and pro-Satanic, the same as for Vatican Two and the new mass. With God's help, it will all end up in the junkyard. But one must also say that the deception turns to remain incredibly efficient, mainly because most people in the world believe in the stupid notion of evolution.

  3. Born in Ontario. Canada in 1969 of Portuguese parents, Carlos Evaristo is a curious personality (see Wikipedia for his astonishing curriculum). A prolific writer, musician, composer, freelance journalist, museum curator, specialist in religious affairs and self-appointed translator of Sister Lucy II's interviews, he is also a TV presenter and the co-founder and president of the Oureana Historic and Cultural Foundation, which includes one of Portugal's largest collections of reliquaries. He is also quick to attack whoever does not agree with the official party line about Fátima as a "conspiracy theorist". When fake letters purported to have been written by Sister Lucy II, written with a word processor and signed with a photocopied facsimile of Sister Lucy's signature, began circulating with the support of the Fátima Shrine authorities and were exposed as false, Evaristo was quick to make a statement about them: Sister Lucy, he said, was "a pioneer of computer use in religious orders", and used a computer when replying to "reply to priests and to some of the hundreds of letters she received". And when Sister Lucy II died, Evaristo said that she was "one of the three great figures of the Church in the 20th Century, only comparable to Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the Pope [John Paul II]". The most disturbing aspect about Evaristo is that after years of lawsuits, a Portuguese court ruled that the transcriptions he made of two alleged interviews with Sister Lucy were accurate – which, if so, actually proves that Sister Lucy II was not the Fátima seer.


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