They Ripped the Mask Off Paul VI in 1972. No Saint Material Here, Folks.

Dr. Chojnowski: Here are some interesting quotations from a book I am reading through now, The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican by Piers Compton (Great Britain, Neville Spearman Limited, 1983), pp. 109-110. Here is the text:

"[Portugal] His presence there in May 1967, excited comment, both on account of the almost casual arrangements he made for meeting the Catholic leader, Salazar, and the way in which (as one of his closest colleagues remarked) he practically mumbled when celebrating the Mass that marked the climax of the visit. 
      It had been taken for granted that he would welcome a meeting with Lucia dos Santos, the last survivor of the 3 children who, in 1917, witnesses the apparitions, the strange phenomena that accompanied them, at the small town of Fatima. But the Pope put her aside with a testy, "Now now, later!" As an afterthought he referred her to a bishop [Now we know why!] 
      A different kind of reception was accorded to Claudia Cardinale and Gina Lollabrigida, when the Pope received them at the Vatican. They were certainly not dressed in the approved way for a Papal audience; and the crowd who had assembled to gape at the "stars" expressed admiration for the Holy Father's broadmindedness. 
      This would seem to be the place to introduce a report that reached me [Piers Compton] by way of Maurice Guignard, a former student of the Society of Jesus at the college of St. Francis de Sales, Evreux, Normandy. The report, dated August 7th, 1972, originated from a body for the defense of the Faith, of Waterloo Place, Hanover. It was drawn up "out of obedience" to orders given by Father Arrupe, Superior General of the Society, and it was the work of Fr. Saenz Arriaga [one of the early sedevacantists], Doctor of Philosophy and of Canon Law. Apart from those influential Jesuits, it was substantiated and countersigned by the following members of the Society of Jesus: 
Cardinal Danielou --- who apparently had serious regrets about his participation in the subversion of the Catholic Church and sought to  help the Forces of Order in a significant way before being "heart attacked" in 1974.
Father Grignottes --- private secretary and confessor to Fr. Arrupe, the Superior General. 
Father de Lestapis --- for some time in charge of Vatican Radio broadcasts. 
Father Bosc --- Professor of Sociology at the University of Mexico.

      Dealing with the past of Paul VI, it states that from 1936 to 1950 he was prominent in a vast network of espionage that covered some of the countries, ON BOTH SIDES, involved in the Second World War. 

      It [the report] goes on to say that he was a principle shareholder of a chain of brothels in Rome. He found the money for various films, such as the erotic Temptations of Marianne, which he financed on condition that the leading role was given to a certain actress named Patricia Novarini. When not working at the movie studio, this young lady performed as a strip-tease artist at the Crazy Horse Saloon, and exclusive night-club in Rome." 

---- Strange things that "saints" get into these days.........


  1. The SSPX here put one of these modern "saints" in their parish bulletin, even though they promised they would never accept them. It was said that it was "a mistake" but I do not believe that. I think it was designed to test the reaction. One or two people complain, that's all, so in a few years they can have the "mass" of that "saint". Hmm... Comes down to "Who is the Pope?" I think. An important question.

  2. Fr Luigi Villa did an excellent expose of Paul iv.

  3. I read that book about twenty years ago. Do you think it's true?

    1. I have the book- I absolutely believe Fr Villa

    2. Suzanne, I was talking about the Piers Compton book, "The Broken Cross."


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