Are These The Plans Behind Matt's "Uniting of the Clans." Cardinal Burke on the Plans for the SSPX. Well Hasn't the Other "Clan" the FSSP Been Preaching for Decades "Obedience" as the Highest Virtue?

Cardinal Burke: "Oops! How did that slip out?"

Here is what Cardinal Burke said on June 15, 2012 --- and what he would still say today, no doubt --- "There will have to be a change in the way of thinking and acting by which the OBEDIENCE to the Holy Father (Benedict at the time, Francis now) becomes much more concrete, because they have not been during these past decades. The challenge of OBEDIENCE is in the Church, there are others who have other ideas and approaches whom the Holy Father calls to OBEDIENCE and so I think we can all learn from this, with Catholic Faith and the Sacraments that OBEDIENCE can grow, but it is at the heart of our life in the Church." 

How many times can he say OBEDIENCE? 


  1. In charity just the usual Cdl Burke bovine scatology. Nothings changed in 7 years. Still a modernist...just more conservative than most. Lot of talk but crickets when it comes to really doing something consequential.

  2. Obedience? That went down the memory hole about six years ago.

  3. The SSPX have always claimed as part of their propaganda that sedevacantism is a dead end. Well, they are the ones who have painted themselves into a corner because of their absolute refusal to entertain any thought that Bergoglio could not be pope due to his manifest heresies.

    If he IS pope, one cannot keep disobeying him for 40+ years. I am certainly no fan of Burke, but a broken clock is right twice a day, and in this instance he is right. They have disobeyed the men they have called pope for decades, and they have instilled into their SSPX laity (perhaps unwittingly, but I am not so sure) that it is a virtue to disobey the pope and the Church. When we do finally get a true pope, what will the SSPX do? Will they continue to resist? Will they scrutinise every act of the true pope? This institution has made a mockery of the Church’s teachings on the Papacy.

  4. Fr. Pagliarani has made the Society's position clear. There will be no compromise with the new religion of Vatican 2.

  5. Ignatius of Loyola, from Rules for thinking with the Church, rule #13, The white you see is black
    if the hierarchical church judges it so. Thomas Aquinas, A Bishop that uses his office for gain (or other nefarious purposes) holds his office unlawfully. Obedience to law less or unlawful authority?
    That is not catholic. Follow the Jesuit or Thomas

  6. Obedience? Is that why he courted the Legion and Maciel?
    Obedience? Is that why he blackballed the parishioner who corrected him when he gave the okay for a trans gender (man to woman) to start a woman's Religious Order as Bishop of Madison , WI ?
    I could sa more about his seminary days but i will just give a hat tip
    to " Bovine Scatology".
    Traddies .....pleeease look somewhere else other than Burke for a savior despite CMtv and their opus dei push for him.

  7. Michael Matt's uniting of the clans is for the purpose of sustaining his "Church", which is not one, not holy, not Catholic, and not apostolic. He believes that the man he calls "Pope" can "eradicate the old Faith from the face of the earth" and "lead men astray, into the falling away from the truth and into destruction".

    Matt knows it's futile to try to convert non-Catholics to such a weird religion. So he has to work with what he's got--unite the clans for the sake of those children who may be future subscribers to the Remnant!


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