Sister Lucy Truth Update: Michigan State Facial Recognition Lab Finds that Sister Lucy II (post-1967) was NOT Sister Lucy I (pre-1967). How Much Do We Need to Put Out Until the Crickets Stop Chirping?

We said that we look at the case in a scientific way and we have. This weekend, we will publish on the facial recognition report about Sister Lucy I and II. Michigan State University is the only university in the United States with a facial recognition lab, and Dr. Arun Ross is a leading professional in that field, see his biographical page at

Although all of the mysteries surrounding the disappearance of the real Sister Lucy have not, by any means, been settled, it has been exactly one year since scientific facial recognition analysis identified the imposter and in order to further investigate the apparent replacement and to further seek to establish the fact, at least 4 other facial recognition tests were commissioned using a variety of the latest programs and algorithms. Other analysis was done on the pictures, by orthodontists, plastic surgeons, dentists, forensic artists, private investigators, eye doctors and on her real and purported writings by hand-writing analysts. Most all of the rest of the handwriting analysis will be posted very soon. 

We are getting there folks. The truth is being uncovered, slowly but surely.


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