Revised and Updated Edition of Handwriting Analyst Declaration in which 1969 Letter of "Sister Lucy" Advocating Submission to Paul VI is Proven to be a Forgery. Soon to be Released on Includes Analysis of the Purported Third Secret Released in 2000. Socci's "4th Secret" Looking More Plausible. Folks, if Sister Lucy was around in 1969, she would have been able to write her own letters.

Remember, this cut and paste "Sister Lucy" appeared in a newspaper in June of 1967, one month after the event. Vaticano, come clean!
Giovanni Battista Montini, Come Out With Your Hands Up!
The letter which Bart Baggett has definitively analyzed, translated above, has proven to be a cleverly attempted FORGERY. Obviously, Paul VI had not finished using the persona of "Sister Lucy" to shut down opposition to his agenda after May 13th, 1967. Notice that in a letter of thanks to a man who gave a gift to the convent of Coimbra, she spends 80% of the letter telling you to obey probably the greatest revolutionary and Modernist in the history of the Catholic Church. Rather than being the leader of the opposition or should we say "prophet of doom," "Sister Lucy" 1969 is Paul VI's greatest defender, urging complete obedience to one who speaks for God and to object to whom means that you are separated from the Vine of the Catholic Church and face the Fires of Hell. The importance of this find cannot be overstated. 

The Revised version of the legal declaration by Mr. Bart Baggett will be released shortly on 


  1. The “Senhor Dr. Alcino” mentioned in the forged letter is the dentist Alcino Magalhães, who -according to the Portuguese diocesan presbyter Orlando José Guerra Henriques and the biography “Um caminho sob o olhar de Maria” (A path under the Mary’s glance), written by the discalced nuns of the Carmel of St. Teresa, Coimbra- had removed to Sister Lucy several damaged teeth in the year 1948 (before her departure of the Dorothean Sisters’ convent of Pontevedra), placing thereafter a dental prosthesis. Theory used by the Brazilian conciliar website ‘O Catequista’ (managed by the spouses Alexandre and Viviane Varela) to discredit (without any evidences) the substitution of the Sister Lucy of Fátima (Lucy I) by the imposter Lucy of Coimbra (Lucy II).


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