Long-Standing Fatima "Consecration of Russia" Narrative Implodes as Handwriting Expert Demonstrates 1980 Letter from "Sister Lucy" to Fr. Umberto Pasquale is Definitely a Forgery. Whatever the Real Sister Lucy Knew about the Requested Consecration of Russia DOES NOT Appear in this Letter. Fatima Center, Are You Listening? Report from Bart Baggett to be Posted Imminently.

  • On April 13, 1980, Sister Lucy replied to Fr. Umberto's question regarding the form of consecration that Our Lady of Fatima requested:


  1. Dr. Chojnowski, you asked if the Fatima Center is listening. I don't think they have the necessary graces for that. They are not friends of Our Lady because they've been watering down Her message for decades and putting words in Her mouth. The full Fatima message according to the Fatima Center (Canada) has been adulterated into this: "ALL IT TAKES IS A SIMPLE 5-MINUTE PRAYER!"...And then the world gets total peace.

    What an insult to Our Lady! (And what an insult to the average person's intelligence.)

    1. They're in absolute denial about how evil and guilty the world really is; otherwise, they wouldn't think it could possibly merit "total peace" with "a simple five minute prayer". The only way the world could deserve such a reward would be if no one had free will and no one was responsible for his/her actions. Is that what the Fatima Center believes? If so, then they have much in common with the atheists who believe in determinism, i.e the doctrine that no one has free will because we're all "governed by the laws of physics and chemistry and therefore are as determined as the orbits of the planets."

  2. I had a reminder today of the complete and far reaching consequences of the willingness and the ability of the novus ordo talmudic counterfeit church to falsify documents and events including the faith that comes to us from Christ and the apostles. Today was the 13th Sunday in ordinary time (used to be the season of Pentecost). The second reading was from the 5th chapter of Galatians. When listening something about what I was hearing and what was in the missal seemed odd. Something was missing or cut out. I returned home and picked up my trustworthy Knox Bible and found two themes in the chapter....two very distinct themes....the first was that circumcision and the old law were of no avail to salvation and that anyone under the old law was in the bondage of slavery....the second was that this freedom from the law could also be a freedom that would allow one to become a slave of sinful desires if not guarded. But before he stated the second theme he stated the first. Now the novus ordo reading totally omits all mention of the first theme....that judaism cannot save and is slavery. This is calculated lying and the deliberate distortion of scripture. I have found this tampering with biblical text before in their readings but this one really hit home as Paul's teaching is of the true apostolic faith which they are deliberately falsifying. The whole operation is an evil swamp. Of course they would remove the original Lucy and produce forged documents and staged deceptions to further their diabolical goals.

  3. And yet Chojnowski kept his little mouth shut until Fr. Gruner died to attack his message. Coward!

    1. And, by the way, I have a BIG MOUTH, which anyone who has attended any of my speeches and lectures will testify too.

  4. Dear Mr. Sullivan,
    Your comment is absurd. What about Fr. Gruner's message have I attacked by publishing a report about the forgeries that accounted for all of the "Sister Lucy's" letters and writings after 1957? Would not Fr. Gruner have changed his understanding of what can be attributed to the true Sister Lucy and what can be attributed to the Fake Sister Lucy when the empirical scientific evidence was presented to him? When Father was alive, I did not even think about there being any problem with Sister Lucy --- he did die over 4 years ago. This is just insulting and offensive and it must be a sign that truth is beginning to break through because people are getting irritated. I am trying to follow the facts. I did not know the results of the facial recognition reports, the handwriting analyses, the forensic artist reports, the plastic surgeon's report, the orthodontist report, UNTIL I ACTUALLY GOT HOLD OF THEM. I published them immediately after receiving them in order to be completely up front.

  5. Even if the Fatima Center doesn't want to listen, there are plenty of people out there who do, and are very grateful for the work Dr C has done. Very brave work, as he no doubt has enemies who want to silence him, even to the point of childishly pulling his past conferences from Youtube.

    If the Fatima Center has been taken over by the SSPX, and that it has been infiltrated by freemasons like Fr Gruner believed (perhaps by the ones who had already infiltrated the SSPX itself), then it's no wonder that they no longer desire the truth.

  6. The Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church. Since 1958 the faithful have been without a Pope. Roncalli and Montini's new religion and the Novus Ordo Missae are false and the spirit of anti Christ. The new religion is powerless against evil "Satan cannot cast out Satan" . There is an un approved message from Our Lady that stated "There will be a wicked council planned and prepared that will change the countenance of the Church. Many will lose the Faith: confusion will reign everywhere. The sheep will search for their shepherds in vain." The message goes on to say this is the "Third Secret of Fatima". ( The full text can be found at Novus Ordo Watch). We cannot know if the message is authentic but it does encapsulates what has happen to the Church since 1958.


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