Frankenmama: The Church on a Journey . When the Harlot of Babylon Jumps on the Backseat of a Motorcycle.

Jesus wants the Church to be "on a journey, without fearing the upheavals of life.”

Living like Jesus demands the “courage of renunciation,” the pontiff said, a willingness to abandon traditions that are dear to us.
Changing and adapting is not about imposing something new, he said, “but leaving aside something old.”

Dr. Chojnowski: After reading this, raise your had if you are a traditionalist who believes that Francis has your best intentions in mind? One thing here, the early Christians eventually dropped all Jewish customs and worship in the Temple because they were now practicing a new religion a religion that was not compatible with the Jewish religion after the Death of Jesus Christ. We, under the New Covenant, have always understood that traditions were to be protected and passed down --- there was even a part of the papal coronation oath that promised not to deviate from the traditions of the Church.
Those early Christians had to learn to leave behind “important religious traditions and precepts, dear to the chosen people,” he said, by which their very “religious identity” was at stake.

Dr. Chojnowski: Read this traditionalists. He is going to get rid of your "dear" religious traditions and precepts --- meaning what, Mass and the 10 commandments? 
In the end, they did not need a bunch of doctrines and traditions. but the simple announcement that “God is love,” Francis said, and in the face of this great truth, “even convictions and human traditions can and must be abandoned, since they are more of an obstacle than a help.”

Notice the Marseillaise at the Beginning.
                       Maybe a little bit of Mentevacante here!
                      Did you ever think you would have a pope who recycled old Beatles' Songs and teach it as "Catholic doctrine"?
“God often purifies, simplifies, and makes us grow by taking away, not by adding, as we might do,” he said.
Sorry to your parents and grandparents who had to watch as their Catholic religion was dismantled and destroyed before their very pious eyes. It was God's Will, you know. Just wait to hear what we are taking away next!

“True faith cleanses from attachments,” he said. “As a church, we are not called to corporate compromises, but to evangelical enterprise.”

I have no clue what he is talking about here!


  1. From Rev. Herman Bernard Kramer's imprimatured explanation of the Apocalypse, originally published in 1955.

    XII, verse 3:
    "Satan knows how extensively an *interregnum* in the papacy would favor his success in recovering his ancient lordship over the world...
    "As a dragon, Satan through the evil world-powers of that time will enter the Church... to hinder the election of the worthiest candidate for the papacy."

    XII, verse 4:
    "Satan will probably through the evil world powers exercise such tyranny over the church...and will enforce the acceptance of unchristian morals, false doctrines, compromise with error or obedience to civil rulers in violation of conscience".
    (The Book of Destiny)

    1. “As a church, we are not called to corporate compromises, but to evangelical enterprise.”

      Example of a corporate compromise: The Nicene Creed.

      Example of evangelical enterprise: Telling everyone that Islam is a religion of peace.

      Translation of Pope Francis statement: Abandonment of the Catholic faith.

  2. Here are some similarities between "Pope Francis" and The False Prophet, from Rev. Herman Bernard Kramer's "The Book of Destiny":

    Apocalypse XIII, verse 11- "... he is an apostate bishop or cardinal, or he resembles one. (He) usurps the papal supremacy...His assumed spiritual authority and supremacy over the Church would make him resemble the Bishop of Rome... Assuming authority without possessing it makes him the False Prophet.
    "Though he poses as a lamb, a Christian, his doctrines betray him for he preaches the doctrines of the dragon. ...his moral and civil law will be of diabolical inspiration... (The true believers) will know him at once as an impostor and will not be misled... "

    The difference between Francis and the False Prophet is that, in addition to being a false pope like Francis, the False Prophet would also be emperor of Rome. But considering the similarities, it makes you wonder why some people (who call themselves Catholic) want everyone to recognize Francis as a true pope. It's insane.

    1. Anonymous--

      "The difference between Francis and the False Prophet is that, in addition to being a false pope like Francis, the False Prophet would also be emperor of Rome. But considering the similarities, it makes you wonder why some people (who call themselves Catholic) want everyone to recognize Francis as a true pope. It's insane."

      I agree. In a sense Francis is the emperor of Rome as he is the Bishop of Rome.

  3. And from the 19th chapter of Luke, The Lord relates a parable.....and on the return of The King he tells the faithful disciples, " bring all those that would not have me for their King and execute them before me". Yes he is a Warrior King and this sorry Vatican 2 lot is already under judgement and sentence....the hour for the execution of the sentence is close at hand.


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