Elizabeth Warren Cedes the 2020 Election by Demanding Reparation Payments to Same-Sex "Married" Couples. Other Democratic "Reparations" Shenanigans ensures that a White, Straight, Old Guy Will be President in 2021.

And the Winner Is? One of These Guys, No Doubt.

RadTrad Thomist: Since I was in the cradle and being brought to work in political campaigns by my parents --- the first being in the the Mayoral Campaign of Paul Manafort, Sr. (Father of the infamous Paul Manafort, Jr. my 3rd cousin) --- I have been an active participant in the United States Political Process. With the demands for "reparations" being proposed --- a new type every day --- to be paid by American taxpayers to the tune of 10s of millions of dollars --- I can tell you that they will not go for it and it will be one of the millstones around the necks of some of the more left-wing Democratic candidates that might give them a flash in the pan moment among the haters of Western Christian Civilization, but will ultimately be bring about their defeat. No matter the state of the now pricked asset bubble created by the Federal Reserve since 2008. People are just not going to go for it. And they are not going to go for it in a big way. After the articles about Elizabeth Warren's latest proposed Reparation to Sodomite Couples Act, I will feature some other schemes that will certainly bring the rest of the Democratic field, except for Joe Biden, down and then set up a 2020 election between he and Trump.

Elizabeth Warren's Election Losing Latest:



“The federal government forced legally married same-sex couples in Massachusetts to file as individuals and pay more in taxes for almost a decade,” Warren said in a statement.
“We need to call out that discrimination and to make it right - Congress should pass the Refund Equality Act immediately.”
As NBC News reports, a report by the Joint Committee on Taxation released Tuesday estimated that taxpayers who were in same-sex marriages prior to the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 would be eligible for up to $57 million in refunds. Warren introduced a version of the bill in 2017.

Bernie Sander's Reparation Payments to College Students for Asking them to Pay for Their Own "Higher" Education, to the tune of $1.6 Trillion Dollars by taking Wall Street.

Cory Booker's recent anger that Joe Biden spoke to Strom Thurmond and long time President Pro Tempore of the US Senate, Harry Byrd in the 70s and 80s.
Kamala Harris --- whose father says her ancestors were plantation owners in Jamaica --- demands reparation payments for slavery.
"Married" to a Man Mayor Pete gets sunk by angry African-Americans in South Bend.

Beto O'Rourke, who could not even beat Ted Cruz, is proposing a "War Tax" on non-Military families. Reparation payments for Veterans.


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