We have found a Very Good Copy of the Vatican's Third Secret. We Are Submitting it for Imminent Analysis to a Well-Publicized Expert.

Cardinal Bertone Shows Picture of Him Showing the "Third Secret" to "Sister Lucy" in 2000. When She Embraced the "Secret" and Attested that This Was Indeed Her Writing. We Should Know Soon if that is The Case.


  1. I'm not an expert in writing, but something tells me that the Vatican third secret is authentic but not the full one. First, because while Benedict may be fearful, he would not be a patent liar. Second, because this vision would respond to what was said by Fr. Schweigl of the "two parts" of the Secret, "one that refers to the Pope and the other the continuation of the words 'in Portugal the dogma of faith will always be preserved'. .. "Note that if the secret was all one, ALL the text would be the continuation of the said words and not only a part...


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