Stranger Things: Yesterday, Investigators on Sister Lucy Case Report that They have NEVER Encountered Such Strange Happenings in Decades and Decades of Investigation. Investigator pointedly said to me, "Someone Other Than You Is Interested in this Case."

Some 80s Kids Investigate. And will NOT be Deterred. 

Investigators who have been in the business for decades and decades have reported yesterday that they have NEVER run into such strange situations as they have encountered with this Sister Lucy case. This was no surprise for us who know how important this case is. 

One Day, We Will Find Out Who You Are.


  1. Your posts are too short and vague. What do you even mean here?

  2. Right. The consequences of the truth being uncovered are so monumental that you can bet that there are others that are very interested in this case including, no doubt, the Vatican. They have built up layers of deception to cover their deeds and the investigators are no doubt hitting stumbling blocks. Stay safe. (still nothing but silence from the "catholic" media, essentially an opus Dei operation, running cover for the Vatican charade.....even the so called independent bloggers are not touching this...what a house of mirrors).

    1. Stay safe, indeed. These guys play hardball, and you are treading dangerously close to one of the key components of their elaborate scheme. I will pray for you and your investigation. St. Michael, pray for us! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

  3. It not be surprising, as the onion of this case is peeled back, to learn that the sedevacantists have been right all along, i.e., that Pope John XXIII forward were not legitimate Popes, that their elections were orchestrated by outsiders.

  4. Without removing Lucy, Vatican 2 could not have taken place in the revolutionary manner in which it took place. The Fatima event was the check on judeo-freemasonry. They had to remove it.

  5. Consider their evil. They were not content to just remove (murder) Lucy. They devised a diabolical ruse by replacing her with a fraud that would endorse their fake operation. I think you would need a Shakespeare to tell this story of treachery and woe. An entire entrenched cottage industry of Vat 2 has been grown up They will ignore and oppose the truth with everything they have, even the so called Trad-conservatives.

  6. I hope you will write a book about the investigation. Not just the results but the process too. It would be fascinating.

  7. What needs to happen for this case to hit mainstream media or at least wider coverage? I suppose it is threatening to Catholic "conservatives" and "Fatimists"

  8. Why would it be threatening to anyone who believes the message of Fatima?

    1. For the same reason the Fatima Center refuses to consider sedevacantism; they need a pope to do the consecration of Russia, and apparently they don't care if the "pope" is not even a Catholic in his beliefs

  9. I wonder how interested Opus Dei is in this case?
    They seem to be heavily involved since Sr Lucia , at the time a Dorothean nun , put pen to paper on the Third Secret as ordered by her Bishop for the Pope.
    Next thing we know is that Escriva went to visit her and recalled in his book ,"Opus Dei in His Own Words" the fantastic tale about how she told him to open an Opus Dei House outside of Spain in Coimbre promising to handle all the paperwork herself.


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