Snap, Crackle, Pop! The Liberal Order Cracks. Yellow-Vest Revolt in France Rebels against Macron as Embodiment of the Liberal Order. Will Liberal Modernist NewChurch be Next?

                       France Rebels Against Self-Identified Freemason

Dr. Chojnowski: Follow the link below to a fantastic article by the well-connected Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin entitled, "Uprising in France --- The Anatomy of Populism and Challenging the Matrix"

Dugin here describes the cracking of the Liberal Order, transcending the post-revolutionary distinction between left and right. Now the discontented people --- searching after human normality --- rebel against a Rothschild protege --- who publicly identifies himself as a Freemason, who have always been the front line of the Liberal Movement creating a world which Dugin rightly describes as one of Liberal Totalitarianism. 

Hopefully, after the fraud and criminality of the Vatican II sect is exposed for the world to see --- hopefully the world cares --- perhaps true believers will take to the streets also and demand truth and take their Catholic institutions back.

Here is the Link. Alexander Dugin originally published his article on RT (Russia Today).


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