RadTrad Thomist Withdraws Tradition in Action's "Third Secret" From Handwriting Analysis Investigation. Very Poor Quality Vatican Released "Third Secret" Still Under Investigation. Does Any Reader Know of a Copy of this "Third Secret" better than the One on the Vatican's own website?

Shakin' My Head. Tradition in Action's "Third Secret" Traceable to Bizarre Mariolators from Website i-TransferOfChurchAuthority.php

After investigation, Sister Lucy Truth has halted the Investigation into the Handwriting Analysis of the "Third Secret" Advertised by Tradition in Action. Everything about the origin of this letter and source website is dubious and offensive to a Catholic and totally self-serving. If TIA wants to run with this letter, I will let them. As for Sister Lucy Truth, we have another objective and an attempted analysis of the Vatican-released "Third Secret" along with a letter from "Sister Lucy" dating from 1969 fits that objective. Since all of it costs a substantial amount of money, I will focus on what we are sure of with regard to origin. 


  1. Well done regarding the fake TIA alleged "third secret".
    For a copy of the "Vatican third secret" see here: http://uncatolico.com/oraciones/tercer-secreto-de-fatima/

  2. I'm glad you withdrew that supposed Third Secret letter. I have read criticisms of it for the same reason, that its origin was from a questionable source. Anything coming from a website claming Mary is God cannot be taken seriously!

  3. What about the thumb print at the bottom of document? That could be investigated.


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