2019: The Year We Find Out Who this Woman Is. Perhaps by the end of 2018, We Will Definitively Know Who She is Not.

1967 Fatima. A Sister Lucy for A New Church and a New Age

Here is the list of all of the investigations currently on-going. Those in red are completed.

The Following Experts are Currently Involved with this Investigation:

1) Private Investigator's Preliminary Report

2) Plastic Surgeon

3) Ophthalmologist 

4) Prosthodontist

5) Oral and Maxiliofacial Surgery 

6) Oculoplastic Surgeon

7) Periodontist, Endodontist, and Orthodontist

8) Facial Recognition Technology Experts

9) Periodontologist

10) Facial Recognition Experts 

11) Handwriting Expert

12) Forensic Artist/Dentist

13) Facial Recognition Lab


  1. I think you are totally right. But the NO-ites don't care!

  2. The hand Sr. Lucia the second is shaking is close to his stomach and his index finger is over Srs. sleeve and the rest of his fingers are under her sleeve. The lady in glasses seems to have her hand on his stomach and the man at the top right has his hand on his chest. Sister Lucia the second has a whiter face then everyone else in the picture.

    Seems more credible that sister Lucia II is blocking who is really on the picture, the lady in glasses is really shaking hands and the man has his hand on the side rather then the chest!

  3. Is it possible to get copies of fingerprints of the real Sr Lucia vs the imposter? Is it possible to see the body of the imposter to see if it decayed or is incorruptible?


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